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时间: 2024-09-28 22:55:20



1. The doctor prescribed an emetic to induce vomiting and expel the toxins from her system. (医生开了一种催吐剂,以促使呕吐并排出体内的毒素。)

2. In cases of accidental ingestion, an emetic may be administered to prevent absorption of the substance. (在意外吞食的情况下,可以使用催吐剂以防止物质被吸收。)

3. Some mushrooms are known to be emetic, causing severe gastrointestinal distress. (一些蘑菇被认为具有催吐作用,会导致严重的胃肠不适。)

4. The plant's leaves contain emetic compounds that are used in traditional medicine for purging. (这种植物的叶子含有催吐化合物,用于传统医学中的通便作用。)

5. After ingesting the poisonous berries, she was given an emetic to prevent further harm. (吞食了有毒的浆果后,她服用了催吐剂以防止进一步伤害。)

6. The emetic effect of the medication helped alleviate his nausea quickly. (药物的催吐作用帮助迅速缓解了他的恶心。)

7. In emergency situations, an emetic can be a life-saving treatment to expel toxic substances from the body. (在紧急情况下,催吐剂可以是排出体内毒素的救命治疗方法。)

8. She accidentally consumed a cleaning product and had to be given an emetic to prevent absorption. (她不小心吞食了清洁产品,必须服用催吐剂以防止吸收。)

9. The emetic properties of certain foods can be useful in detoxifying the body. (某些食物的催吐特性可以帮助身体排毒。)

10. The emetic effect of the plant extract was known to ancient herbalists. (古代草药学家知道植物提取物的催吐效果。)

11. Medical professionals use emetics cautiously due to their potential side effects. (医疗专业人员对催吐剂使用谨慎,因为其潜在的副作用。)

12. He experienced severe nausea and was treated with an emetic to relieve his discomfort. (他感到严重恶心,医生给他用催吐剂缓解不适。)

13. The emetic effect of the substance was well-documented in scientific literature. (这种物质的催吐作用在科学文献中有详细记录。)

14. Herbalists often recommend emetic herbs for their purgative properties. (草药师常常因其通便作用而推荐催吐草药。)

15. Due to its emetic nature, the substance is not recommended for consumption. (由于其催吐性质,不建议食用这种物质。)

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