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时间: 2024-09-28 23:01:37



1. The enactment of new environmental regulations was a major step towards reducing carbon emissions. (制定新的环境法规是减少碳排放的重要一步。)

2. The enactment of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 marked a pivotal moment in American history. (1964年颁布的《民权法案》标志着美国历史上的一个转折点。)

3. The president signed the enactment into law amidst widespread public support. (总统在广泛的公众支持下签署了这项法律。)

4. The enactment of stricter immigration policies led to protests across the country. (更严格的移民政策的制定导致全国范围内的抗议。)

5. The enactment of the healthcare reform bill was delayed due to political disagreements. (由于政治分歧,医疗改革法案的制定被推迟了。)

6. The company celebrated the enactment of new workplace safety regulations. (公司庆祝新的工作场所安全规定的颁布。)

7. The enactment of trade tariffs had significant implications for the global economy. (贸易关税的颁布对全球经济产生了重要影响。)

8. The governor's speech focused on the benefits of the recent enactment of educational reforms. (州长的讲话集中讨论了最近教育改革的实施带来的好处。)

9. The enactment of tax cuts was intended to stimulate economic growth. (减税的实施旨在刺激经济增长。)

10. The committee proposed amendments to the enactment to address public concerns. (委员会提出修正案以解决公众关注的问题。)

11. Local residents expressed mixed reactions to the enactment of new zoning laws. (当地居民对新的区域规划法律的颁布表示了不同的反应。)

12. The enactment of anti-corruption measures was seen as crucial for restoring public trust. (反腐败措施的颁布被视为恢复公众信任的关键。)

13. The enactment of emergency measures helped mitigate the impact of the natural disaster. (紧急措施的颁布有助于减轻自然灾害的影响。)

14. The mayor praised the swift enactment of the city's new budget. (市长赞扬了市政府迅速颁布的新预算。)

15. The enactment of stricter regulations on food labeling was welcomed by consumer advocacy groups. (对食品标签更严格的规定的颁布受到了消费者维权组织的欢迎。)


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