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时间: 2024-09-10 06:34:44



1. His retirement was celebrated with an encomium highlighting his decades of service. (他的退休以一篇赞美词庆祝,强调了他数十年的服务。)

2. The poet composed a beautiful encomium to honor the fallen soldiers. (诗人写了一首美丽的赞美诗,以表彰那些阵亡的士兵。)

3. The novel begins with an encomium to the power of love. (小说以对爱的力量的赞美开篇。)

4. The speaker delivered an encomium on the achievements of the scientific community. (演讲者发表了一篇对科学界成就的赞美演说。)

5. The ceremony concluded with an encomium praising the philanthropist's generosity. (仪式以一篇赞美词结束,赞扬慈善家的慷慨。)

6. The professor received an encomium for his groundbreaking research in the field of physics. (教授因在物理学领域的开创性研究而受到赞扬。)

7. Her new book received an encomium from critics and readers alike. (她的新书得到评论家和读者的一致赞扬。)

8. The president's speech included an encomium to the country's cultural diversity. (总统的演讲包括对该国文化多样性的赞美。)

9. The graduation ceremony featured an encomium recognizing the achievements of the graduating class. (毕业典礼上有一篇赞美词,表彰毕业班的成就。)

10. The museum curator gave an encomium to the artist's contribution to contemporary art. (博物馆馆长对艺术家在当代艺术中的贡献发表了赞美。)

11. The local newspaper published an encomium on the town's oldest resident, highlighting her community service. (当地报纸刊登了一篇赞美词,针对该镇最年长居民,强调了她的社区服务。)

12. During the awards ceremony, each recipient received an encomium detailing their accomplishments. (在颁奖典礼上,每位获奖者都收到了一篇详细介绍其成就的赞美词。)

13. The memorial service featured heartfelt encomiums from friends and family members. (追悼会上,朋友和家人发表了真诚的赞美词。)

14. The documentary concluded with an encomium to the resilience of the human spirit. (纪录片以对人类精神坚韧的赞美结束。)

15. At the anniversary celebration, the mayor delivered an encomium to the city's growth and prosperity. (在周年庆典上,市长发表了一篇赞美词,赞扬该市的增长和繁荣。)


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