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时间: 2024-09-20 08:27:50


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "epitomize," along with Chinese translations:

1. His dedication and hard work epitomize the values of our company. (他的奉献精神和努力工作体现了我们公司的价值观。)

2. The movie can be seen as a masterpiece that epitomizes the director's unique style. (这部电影可以看作是导演独特风格的杰作。)

3. Her elegant dress epitomized sophistication and grace. (她优雅的服装体现了高雅与优美。)

4. The building's design epitomizes modern architecture. (这座建筑的设计体现了现代建筑风格。)

5. The character of Scrooge epitomizes greed and selfishness. (斯克鲁奇的角色象征着贪婪和自私。)

6. This song epitomizes the spirit of the 1960s. (这首歌体现了20世纪60年代的精神。)

7. Her actions during the crisis epitomized courage and leadership. (她在危机期间的行动体现了勇气和领导力。)

8. The Taj Mahal epitomizes the beauty of Mughal architecture. (泰姬陵体现了莫卧儿建筑的美。)

9. The chef's signature dish epitomizes the flavors of Italian cuisine. (这位厨师的招牌菜体现了意大利料理的风味。)

10. The novel's protagonist epitomizes the struggles of the working class. (小说的主人公体现了工人阶级的斗争。)

11. His career epitomizes the American dream. (他的职业生涯体现了美国梦。)

12. The painting epitomizes the artist's emotional turmoil at that time. (这幅画体现了艺术家当时的情感困扰。)

13. This building epitomizes sustainable architecture with its use of renewable energy sources. (这座建筑通过利用可再生能源体现了可持续建筑的特点。)

14. The new legislation epitomizes the government's commitment to environmental protection. (新法规体现了政府对环境保护的承诺。)

15. Her speech epitomized the essence of forgiveness and reconciliation. (她的演讲体现了宽恕与和解的本质。)


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