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时间: 2024-09-28 23:01:08


Certainly! "Eurhythmic" 是一个形容词,指的是有节奏的、和谐的。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. Her movements were eurhythmic, flowing effortlessly with the music. (她的动作有节奏感,与音乐流畅地结合在一起。)

2. The eurhythmic beat of the drums set the dancers in motion. (鼓的有节奏的节拍让舞者们开始了舞蹈。)

3. The eurhythmic flow of traffic kept the city moving smoothly. (交通的有节奏的流动使城市保持顺畅运行。)

4. Their conversation had a eurhythmic quality, each person speaking in turn. (他们的对话有节奏感,每个人依次发言。)

5. The eurhythmic pattern of rainfall brought a sense of calm to the countryside. (雨水有节奏的模式给乡村带来了宁静感。)

6. The dancers moved in perfect eurhythmic harmony, creating a mesmerizing performance. (舞者们完美地以有节奏的和谐动作,创造出令人着迷的表演。)

7. The eurhythmic chanting of the monks echoed through the monastery halls. (僧侣们有节奏的吟唱在修道院的走廊中回荡。)

8. The conductor led the orchestra with eurhythmic precision, ensuring every note was in sync. (指挥以有节奏的精准带领乐团,确保每个音符都同步。)

9. The waves crashed against the shore in a eurhythmic pattern. (海浪以有节奏的模式拍打着岸边。)

10. The eurhythmic flow of the poem captivated the audience's attention. (诗歌有节奏的流动吸引了观众的注意。)

11. The eurhythmic blend of flavors in the dish created a delightful culinary experience. (菜肴中有节奏的融合了各种口味,创造出美妙的烹饪体验。)

12. The gymnasts performed with eurhythmic precision, executing each move flawlessly. (体操运动员以有节奏的精准表演,完美地执行每一个动作。)

13. The eurhythmic clicking of the clock marked the passage of time in the silent room. (钟表有节奏的滴答声在安静的房间中标记着时间的流逝。)

14. The eurhythmic flow of ideas in the meeting led to a productive brainstorming session. (会议中的思想有节奏地流动,导致了富有成效的头脑风暴会议。)

15. The eurhythmic architecture of the building reflected a perfect balance of form and function. (建筑的有节奏结构反映了形式和功能的完美平衡。)


上一个 【英语】euphonious的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】euphoria的例句



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