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时间: 2024-09-28 22:50:45



### 作为名词(税收)

1. The government imposed an excise tax on luxury goods.

- 政府对奢侈品征收了消费税。

2. Excise duties are often applied to products like alcohol and tobacco.

- 消费税通常会对酒精和烟草等产品征收。

3. The excise tax on gasoline has increased this year.

- 今年对汽油的消费税增加了。

4. Excise taxes are a source of revenue for the federal government.

- 消费税是联邦政府的一项收入来源。

5. Changes in excise tax rates can affect the price of goods.

- 消费税率的变化可能会影响商品的价格。

### 作为动词(移除)

6. The surgeon had to excise the tumor from the patient’s lung.

- 外科医生不得不将肿瘤从病人的肺部切除。

7. To improve the text, she decided to excise unnecessary details.

- 为了改善文本,她决定删去不必要的细节。

8. The editor will excise any repetitive sentences from the manuscript.

- 编辑将从手稿中删除任何重复的句子。

9. He managed to excise the damaged section of the pipe.

- 他成功地切除了管道中受损的部分。

10. The committee agreed to excise the controversial sections from the report.

- 委员会同意从报告中删除有争议的部分。

### 混合使用的例句

11. The excise tax on cigarettes was increased to discourage smoking.

- 对香烟的消费税提高了,以此来抑制吸烟行为。

12. She had to excise a few words to make her essay more concise.

- 她不得不删去一些词语,使她的文章更简洁。

13. The excise on sugary drinks was intended to combat obesity.

- 对含糖饮料征收的消费税旨在对抗肥胖。

14. In the surgery, the doctor will excise the problematic tissue.

- 在手术中,医生将切除有问题的组织。

15. The new excise regulations are expected to impact the beverage industry.

- 新的消费税法规预计将影响饮料行业。


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