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时间: 2024-09-28 22:54:59


1. The ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun include both visible light and extraviolet light. (太阳发出的紫外线包括可见光和超紫外光。)

2. Some insects can see in the extraviolet spectrum, allowing them to detect patterns on flowers invisible to humans. (一些昆虫能够看到超紫外光谱,这使它们能够检测到人类看不见的花朵图案。)

3. The extraviolet radiation from the sun can cause damage to unprotected skin. (太阳的超紫外辐射可以对未受保护的皮肤造成伤害。)

4. Scientists study extraviolet light to better understand its effects on various materials and living organisms. (科学家研究超紫外光以更好地了解其对各种材料和生物的影响。)

5. Special sunglasses are designed to filter out harmful extraviolet rays. (特制的太阳镜设计用于过滤有害的超紫外线。)

6. The extraviolet component of sunlight plays a crucial role in the production of vitamin D in human skin. (阳光中的超紫外成分在人类皮肤中维生素D的产生中起着至关重要的作用。)

7. Astronomers use telescopes equipped with detectors sensitive to extraviolet light to observe celestial objects. (天文学家使用装备有对超紫外光敏感的探测器的望远镜观测天体。)

8. Protective coatings on windows can block extraviolet radiation while allowing visible light to pass through. (窗户上的防护涂层可以阻挡超紫外辐射,同时允许可见光穿透。)

9. Sunscreen lotions are formulated to protect the skin from harmful extraviolet rays. (防晒霜配方设计用于保护皮肤免受有害的超紫外线。)

10. Birds have feathers that can reflect extraviolet light, which is invisible to most predators. (鸟类的羽毛可以反射超紫外光,对大多数捕食者来说是看不见的。)

11. The ozone layer absorbs much of the extraviolet radiation from the sun, protecting life on Earth. (臭氧层吸收了大部分来自太阳的超紫外辐射,保护地球上的生命。)

12. Fluorescent materials can emit visible light when exposed to extraviolet radiation. (荧光材料在暴露于超紫外辐射时可以发出可见光。)

13. Ultraviolet lamps emit a high intensity of extraviolet light used in various scientific and industrial applications. (紫外灯发出高强度的超紫外光,用于各种科学和工业应用中。)

14. Extraviolet photography captures images using wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum. (超紫外摄影使用超出可见光谱的波长捕捉图像。)

15. Medical sterilization equipment utilizes extraviolet light to disinfect surfaces and instruments. (医疗消毒设备利用超紫外光对表面和器械进行消毒。)


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