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时间: 2024-09-10 07:19:46


Certainly! "Fecundity" refers to the ability to produce offspring or new growth abundantly. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The rabbit's fecundity is well-known, with each pair capable of producing multiple litters in a year. (兔子的繁殖力很强,每对兔子一年内能生下多窝幼兔。)

2. The tropical rainforest exhibits unparalleled fecundity, supporting a staggering diversity of plant and animal life. (热带雨林展示了无与伦比的生殖力,支持着惊人的植物和动物多样性。)

3. The salmon's reproductive fecundity ensures the survival of the species despite harsh environmental conditions. (鲑鱼的生殖力保证了在恶劣环境条件下种群的生存。)

4. The bacteria's rapid fecundity allows it to colonize new environments swiftly. (细菌的快速繁殖能力使其能够迅速占领新的环境。)

5. We marveled at the fecundity of the soil in the valley, yielding bountiful crops season after season. (我们对山谷里土壤的肥沃度感到惊讶,每个季节都能丰收。)

6. The artist's mind was a wellspring of fecundity, constantly producing new ideas and creative concepts. (艺术家的思维是富饶的源泉,不断产生新的想法和创意概念。)

7. The economic growth of the nation was attributed to the fecundity of its workforce, constantly innovating and improving productivity. (国家的经济增长归功于其劳动力的繁殖力,不断创新和提高生产力。)

8. The scientist studied the fecundity of algae in the pond, measuring its reproductive rate under different conditions. (科学家研究了池塘中藻类的繁殖力,在不同条件下测量其繁殖率。)

9. The success of the species lies in its fecundity and adaptability to changing environments. (该物种的成功在于其生殖力和对变化环境的适应能力。)

10. The novelist's fecundity was evident in the sheer volume of novels published within a short span of time. (小说家的生产力在于短时间内出版了大量小说。)

11. The farmer selected seeds based on the fecundity of the crop, aiming for high yields and resilience. (农民根据作物的繁殖力选择种子,旨在高产和抗逆。)

12. Urban legends often have a fecundity that allows them to spread rapidly across cultures and generations. (都市传说常常具有能迅速传播于不同文化和世代的繁殖力。)

13. The biologist studied the fecundity patterns of different species in the ecosystem to understand population dynamics. (生物学家研究了生态系统中不同物种的繁殖力模式,以了解种群动态。)

14. The policy aimed to enhance the educational fecundity of the youth, fostering a generation skilled in critical thinking. (该政策旨在提升青年的教育生产力,培养具备批判性思维能力的一代人。)

15. The poet's fecundity of imagination allowed her to capture the essence of human emotion in her verses. (诗人的丰富想象力使她能够在诗句中捕捉人类情感的本质。)


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