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时间: 2024-09-19 23:37:44


Certainly! "Floriculture" refers to the cultivation of flowering plants, typically for commercial purposes like floral arrangements, decoration, or landscaping. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Floriculture has become a significant industry in many countries, contributing to both local economies and global trade. (花卉栽培已成为许多国家的重要产业,对当地经济和全球贸易都有贡献。)

2. The region's favorable climate supports a thriving floriculture sector, producing a wide variety of blooms year-round. (该地区有利的气候条件支持着蓬勃发展的花卉产业,全年都能生产各种各样的花卉。)

3. She studied floriculture at university and now manages a successful flower shop. (她在大学学习了花卉栽培,现在经营一家成功的花店。)

4. The demand for exotic flowers has driven innovations in floriculture techniques and transportation methods. (对异国情调花卉的需求推动了花卉栽培技术和运输方法的创新。)

5. The conference will focus on sustainable practices in floriculture to minimize environmental impact. (会议将专注于花卉栽培中的可持续实践,以减少对环境的影响。)

6. Floriculture enthusiasts gather annually to showcase their prize-winning blooms and exchange gardening tips. (花卉栽培爱好者每年聚集一堂,展示他们的获奖花卉,并交流园艺技巧。)

7. The local government supports floriculture initiatives as part of its efforts to promote tourism and agriculture. (地方政府支持花卉栽培计划,作为促进旅游和农业发展的一部分。)

8. The floriculture industry provides employment opportunities for thousands of people across the country. (花卉栽培行业为全国数千人提供了就业机会。)

9. Advances in greenhouse technology have revolutionized modern floriculture by extending growing seasons and improving crop yields. (温室技术的进步通过延长生长季节和提高作物产量,彻底改变了现代花卉栽培。)

10. She inherited a passion for floriculture from her grandmother, who tended a beautiful garden all her life. (她从她的祖母那里继承了对花卉栽培的热爱,她的祖母一生都在打理一个美丽的花园。)

11. The university offers a degree program specializing in floriculture and greenhouse management. (该大学提供一个专门研究花卉栽培和温室管理的学位课程。)

12. Local farmers are exploring opportunities in floriculture to diversify their income sources. (当地农民正在探索花卉栽培的机会,以多样化他们的收入来源。)

13. The exhibition will feature the latest trends in floriculture, showcasing new varieties and innovative designs. (展览会将展示花卉栽培的最新趋势,展示新品种和创新设计。)

14. Floriculture requires careful attention to watering, soil quality, and pest control to ensure healthy plant growth. (花卉栽培需要注意浇水、土壤质量和害虫控制,以确保植物的健康生长。)

15. The government has invested in research and development for sustainable practices in floriculture to support long-term industry growth. (政府已投资于花卉栽培可持续实践的研究与开发,以支持长期行业发展。)


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