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时间: 2024-09-20 07:36:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "forebode," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The dark clouds gathering overhead seemed to forebode a storm. (乌云密布的天空似乎预示着一场暴风雨。)

2. His sudden silence forebode trouble. (他突然的沉默预示着麻烦。)

3. The eerie silence in the haunted house forebode something sinister. (闹鬼的房子里诡异的寂静预示着不祥之事。)

4. The doctor's grim expression forebode bad news for the patient. (医生严肃的表情预示着病人将得到坏消息。)

5. The king's advisors could sense the political unrest that would forebode rebellion. (国王的顾问们感觉到了预示着叛乱的政治动荡。)

6. The sinking feeling in her stomach forebode that she had forgotten something important. (她胃里的沉重感预示着她忘记了重要的事情。)

7. The ancient prophecy forebode the fall of the kingdom. (古老的预言预示着王国的灭亡。)

8. His lack of preparation forebode failure in the upcoming exam. (他缺乏准备预示着即将来临的考试会失败。)

9. The eerie silence in the graveyard forebode an encounter with the supernatural. (墓地里诡异的寂静预示着与超自然力量的遭遇。)

10. The sudden drop in sales forebode financial difficulties for the company. (销售的突然下降预示着公司将面临财务困难。)

11. The teacher's stern look forebode trouble for the misbehaving students. (老师严厉的眼神预示着调皮的学生们将惹上麻烦。)

12. The strange noises in the attic forebode an intruder. (阁楼上传来的奇怪声音预示着有人闯入。)

13. The old castle's crumbling walls forebode its imminent collapse. (古堡摇摇欲坠的城墙预示着它即将倒塌。)

14. The eerie mist over the lake forebode a ghostly presence. (湖面上弥漫的诡异雾气预示着有鬼魅存在。)

15. His inability to remember her name forebode an awkward introduction. (他忘记她的名字预示着尴尬的相互介绍。)


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