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时间: 2024-09-28 22:57:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "forecast" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The meteorologist's forecast predicted heavy rain for tomorrow.

- 气象学家的预报预测明天将有大雨。

2. Economists forecast a downturn in the housing market next year.

- 经济学家预测明年住房市场将出现下滑。

3. She checked the weather forecast before planning her outdoor activities.

- 她在计划户外活动之前查看了天气预报。

4. The company's sales forecast for the upcoming quarter looks promising.

- 公司对即将到来的一个季度的销售预测看起来很有前景。

5. Experts forecast that global temperatures will continue to rise over the next decade.

- 专家预测全球气温在接下来的十年内将继续上升。

6. The financial analyst provided a forecast of the company's revenue for the next fiscal year.

- 金融分析师为公司下一个财政年度的收入提供了预测。

7. Despite optimistic forecasts, the project faced numerous delays.

- 尽管有乐观的预测,项目面临了许多延迟。

8. Farmers rely on weather forecasts to plan their planting schedules.

- 农民依靠天气预报来安排种植计划。

9. The economist's forecast of job growth was met with skepticism by some analysts.

- 经济学家对就业增长的预测遭到一些分析师的怀疑。

10. The latest sales forecast suggests a decline in consumer spending.

- 最新的销售预测表明消费支出有所下降。

11. The government adjusted its economic forecast in light of recent trade policies.

- 政府根据最近的贸易政策调整了其经济预测。

12. The weather forecast indicates scattered showers throughout the afternoon.

- 天气预报显示下午将出现零星阵雨。

13. Analysts are cautious about the company's profit forecast for the next quarter.

- 分析师对公司下一个季度的利润预测持谨慎态度。

14. The economist's forecast turned out to be accurate despite initial doubts.

- 尽管最初有疑虑,经济学家的预测证明是准确的。

15. Investors adjusted their strategies based on the market forecast provided by analysts.

- 投资者根据分析师提供的市场预测调整了他们的策略。


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