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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:39



1. The dark clouds gathering on the horizon foreshadowed an impending storm. (乌云密布在地平线上,预示着即将来临的暴风雨。)

2. Her constant lateness to work foreshadowed trouble ahead with her employer. (她经常迟到上班预示着她与雇主之间将有麻烦。)

3. The suspicious behavior of the antagonist foreshadowed his villainous intentions later in the story. (反派人物的可疑行为预示着他在故事后期的邪恶意图。)

4. The eerie silence in the house foreshadowed something ominous about to happen. (房子里的诡异寂静预示着即将发生一些不祥之事。)

5. The protagonist's recurring nightmares foreshadowed the return of a traumatic memory from her childhood. (主人公反复出现的噩梦预示着她童年创伤记忆的回归。)

6. The sudden drop in temperature foreshadowed the arrival of winter. (气温的突然下降预示着冬天的到来。)

7. The protagonist's habit of saving every penny foreshadowed her eventual success as a financial advisor. (主人公将每一分钱都存起来的习惯预示着她最终成为一名成功的财务顾问。)

8. The crumbling walls of the ancient castle foreshadowed its eventual collapse. (古堡崩塌的墙壁预示着它最终的倒塌。)

9. The mysterious figure lurking in the shadows foreshadowed trouble for the unsuspecting family. (潜藏在阴影中的神秘人物预示着那个毫无戒备的家庭即将遇到麻烦。)

10. The ominous message left at the protagonist's doorstep foreshadowed danger ahead. (留在主人公门前的不祥信息预示着即将发生的危险。)

11. The protagonist's persistent cough foreshadowed a serious illness. (主人公持续的咳嗽预示着一场严重的疾病。)

12. The strange behavior of the wildlife foreshadowed the earthquake that would soon strike the region. (野生动物的奇怪行为预示着即将袭击该地区的地震。)

13. The protagonist's fear of water foreshadowed a traumatic event from his childhood involving drowning. (主人公对水的恐惧预示着他童年时期涉及溺水的创伤事件。)

14. The suspicious glances exchanged between the two characters foreshadowed their upcoming confrontation. (两个角色之间交换的可疑眼神预示着他们即将发生的对抗。)

15. The protagonist's reluctance to speak about his past foreshadowed the revelation of a dark secret. (主人公不愿谈论他的过去预示着一个黑暗秘密即将揭开。)


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