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时间: 2024-09-28 22:51:14


Sure, here are 15 sentences using "fortify" along with their Chinese translations:

1. They fortified the castle walls to withstand enemy attacks. (他们加固了城堡墙壁,以抵御敌人的进攻。)

2. Drinking milk will fortify your bones with calcium. (喝牛奶可以使你的骨骼富含钙质。)

3. The army was ordered to fortify their positions before the enemy arrived. (军队被命令在敌人到来之前加固阵地。)

4. The vitamins in this supplement will help to fortify your immune system. (这种补充剂中的维生素有助于增强你的免疫系统。)

5. She fortified herself with a strong cup of coffee before the long meeting. (她在漫长的会议前喝了一杯浓咖啡提神。)

6. The city walls were fortified with additional guards during the festival. (在节日期间,城墙上加强了额外的警卫。)

7. Reading inspiring stories can fortify one's determination to succeed. (阅读鼓舞人心的故事可以增强一个人成功的决心。)

8. Engineers used steel beams to fortify the foundation of the bridge. (工程师用钢梁加固了桥梁的基础。)

9. Proper rest and nutrition can fortify the body against illness. (适当的休息和营养可以增强身体抵抗疾病。)

10. He fortified his argument with several compelling examples. (他用几个引人注目的例子加强了他的论点。)

11. The doctor recommended foods rich in vitamin C to fortify her immune system. (医生建议她多吃富含维生素C的食物来增强免疫系统。)

12. The city was heavily fortified against potential invaders. (这座城市被加固得严严实实,以防潜在的入侵者。)

13. A good night's sleep can fortify your ability to concentrate. (一个好的夜晚睡眠可以增强你的集中能力。)

14. They fortified the levee to protect the town from flooding. (他们加固了防洪堤以保护这个城镇免受洪水侵袭。)

15. Meditation can fortify your mental resilience in stressful situations. (在压力环境下冥想可以增强你的心理韧性。)


上一个 【英语】forceful的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】fortitude的例句



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