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时间: 2024-09-10 07:23:16


1. The organization works to foster a sense of community among its members.


2. The school aims to foster a love of learning in its students.


3. The couple decided to foster a child in need of a loving home.


4. The company is working to foster innovation and creativity among its employees.


5. The mentor helped to foster the career development of his mentee.


6. The government has implemented programs to foster economic growth in rural areas.


7. The foster parents provided a stable and loving environment for the child.


8. The teacher's goal is to foster a sense of curiosity and wonder in her students.


9. The organization works to foster understanding and cooperation between different cultural groups.


10. The foster care system is designed to provide a temporary home for children in need.


11. 他们想要培养孩子们的自尊心和自信心。

(They want to foster a sense of self-esteem and confidence in the children.)

12. 这个项目的目的是培养青少年的领导能力和团队合作精神。

(The aim of this project is to foster leadership skills and teamwork spirit in teenagers.)

13. 她努力营造一个温馨的家庭环境,以帮助这个孩子适应新的生活。

(She works to foster a nurturing home environment to help the child adjust to the new life.)

14. 这个社区组织致力于培养年轻人的社会责任感和公民意识。

(The community organization is dedicated to fostering social responsibility and civic awareness in young people.)

15. 寄养家庭提供了一个稳定的生活环境,以帮助这个孩子克服过去的创伤。

(The foster family provided a stable living environment to help the child overcome past traumas.)

16. 这个计划旨在培养学生的创造力和解决问题的能力。

(The program aims to foster students' creativity and problem-solving skills.)

17. 这个组织努力促进不同文化之间的理解和和谐相处。

(The organization strives to foster understanding and harmonious coexistence between different cultures.)

18. 寄养父母的责任是提供爱和支持,帮助这个孩子适应新的环境。

(The foster parents' responsibility is to provide love and support to help the child adjust to the new environment.)

19. 这家公司鼓励员工之间的合作,以促进团队的成功。

(The company encourages collaboration among employees to foster the success of the team.)

20. 这个项目旨在培养孩子们的领导能力和社会责任感。

(The project aims to foster children's leadership skills and social responsibility.)

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