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时间: 2024-10-07 11:45:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "gesticulate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She gesticulated wildly to catch the waiter's attention. 她疯狂地做手势想引起服务员的注意。

2. The teacher often gesticulates while explaining complex concepts. 老师在解释复杂概念时经常做手势。

3. He gesticulated with both hands to emphasize his point. 他用双手做手势强调他的观点。

4. The politician gesticulated passionately during his speech. 政治家在演讲时激情四溢地做手势。

5. The conductor gesticulated to the orchestra to start playing. 指挥向乐队做手势让他们开始演奏。

6. She gesticulated in frustration when her car broke down again. 当她的车再次抛锚时,她沮丧地做手势。

7. The speaker gesticulated with such energy that everyone was captivated. 演讲者做手势时充满了能量,所有人都被吸引住了。

8. It's important to gesticulate clearly when communicating in a foreign language. 在用外语交流时,清晰地做手势是很重要的。

9. He gesticulated wildly, trying to explain his bizarre theory. 他疯狂地做手势,试图解释他那个奇怪的理论。

10. She gesticulated towards the map to show us the route we should take. 她朝地图做手势,向我们展示我们应该走的路线。

11. The actor's gesticulations added depth to his portrayal of the character. 演员的手势表演增加了角色刻画的深度。

12. He gesticulated nervously during the job interview. 面试时,他紧张地做手势。

13. The audience laughed as the comedian gesticulated wildly. 当喜剧演员疯狂地做手势时,观众笑了起来。

14. She gesticulated gracefully, expressing her gratitude without words. 她优雅地做手势,表达了她的感激之情。

15. The referee gesticulated to indicate a foul had been committed. 裁判做手势示意犯规。


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