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时间: 2024-09-10 07:04:04


1. The tension in the room seemed to heighten as the argument escalated. 紧张的气氛似乎随着争论的升级而加剧。

2. The use of bright colors can heighten the impact of the artwork. 使用明亮的颜色可以增强艺术作品的冲击力。

3. The new security measures will only heighten the sense of fear among the public. 新的安全措施只会加剧公众的恐惧感。

4. The company's success has only served to heighten the competition in the industry. 公司的成功只会加剧行业内的竞争。

5. The movie's intense soundtrack helped to heighten the suspense of the final scene. 电影紧张的配乐帮助增强了最后一场戏的悬念。

6. The recent incidents have only served to heighten tensions between the two countries. 最近的事件只会加剧两国之间的紧张关系。

7. The use of lighting can heighten the drama of a stage production. 灯光的运用可以增强舞台剧的戏剧效果。

8. The new policy is expected to heighten the level of security at the airport. 新政策预计会提高机场的安全水平。

9. The intense heat only served to heighten our discomfort during the hike. 酷热的天气只会加剧我们在徒步旅行中的不适。

10. The addition of spices can heighten the flavor of the dish. 加入香料可以增强菜肴的味道。


1. 房间里的紧张气氛似乎随着争论的升级而加剧。

2. 明亮的颜色的使用可以增强艺术作品的冲击力。

3. 新的安全措施只会加剧公众的恐惧感。

4. 公司的成功只会加剧行业内的竞争。

5. 电影紧张的配乐帮助增强了最后一场戏的悬念。

6. 最近的事件只会加剧两国之间的紧张关系。

7. 灯光的运用可以增强舞台剧的戏剧效果。

8. 新政策预计会提高机场的安全水平。

9. 酷热的天气只会加剧我们在徒步旅行中的不适。

10. 加入香料可以增强菜肴的味道。

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