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时间: 2024-09-28 23:05:05


当然,请看以下关于 "heterogeneous" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The committee is composed of a heterogeneous group of individuals from various backgrounds. (委员会由来自不同背景的异质个体组成。)

2. The city's population is a heterogeneous mix of cultures and languages. (这个城市的人口是多种文化和语言的混合体。)

3. The research team studied a heterogeneous sample of patients to ensure diversity. (研究团队研究了一个异质的病人样本以确保多样性。)

4. The company faces challenges due to its heterogeneous workforce with varying skill levels. (由于公司的员工具有不同的技能水平,公司面临着挑战。)

5. Their friendship was based on a heterogeneous collection of shared interests. (他们的友谊建立在共同兴趣的异质集合基础上。)

6. The school strives to create a heterogeneous learning environment that caters to all types of learners. (学校努力创造一个适合所有学习者的异质学习环境。)

7. The ecosystem of the rainforest is characterized by its heterogeneous array of species. (雨林的生态系统以其多种多样的物种组合而著称。)

8. The artist's latest exhibition features a heterogeneous collection of styles and mediums. (艺术家的最新展览展示了各种风格和媒介的异质集合。)

9. In a heterogeneous society, understanding and tolerance are crucial for social harmony. (在一个异质的社会中,理解和宽容对于社会和谐至关重要。)

10. The project team embraced its heterogeneous composition as a source of creativity and innovation. (项目团队将其异质的构成视为创造力和创新的源泉。)

11. A heterogeneous mixture of opinions arose during the debate. (在辩论过程中出现了各种各样的意见。)

12. The textbook presents a heterogeneous collection of case studies from different industries. (教科书呈现了来自不同行业的多样化案例研究。)

13. The economic situation is influenced by a heterogeneous set of factors. (经济形势受到多种因素的影响。)

14. The festival attracts a heterogeneous crowd, including families, students, and tourists. (这个节日吸引了包括家庭、学生和游客在内的各种各样的人群。)

15. Their team's strength lies in its heterogeneous skills and perspectives. (他们团队的实力在于其多样化的技能和视角。)

希望这些例句能帮助理解 "heterogeneous" 这个词的用法和意义!

上一个 【英语】heterodoxy的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】homosexual的例句



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