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时间: 2024-09-28 22:56:45



1. Homiletics is an important subject in seminary education, teaching students how to deliver meaningful sermons.(讲道术是神学院教育中的重要课程,教授学生如何传递有意义的讲道。)

2. The pastor's homiletics skills improved greatly after attending a workshop on effective preaching techniques.(牧师参加了一场有效讲道技巧的研讨会后,他的讲道术水平有了很大提高。)

3. Studying homiletics involves learning rhetorical devices and structuring sermons for maximum impact.(学习讲道术包括学习修辞手法和构建讲道,以达到最大的影响力。)

4. She was praised for her eloquent homiletics during the memorial service, comforting all who attended.(她在追思会上赞扬她雄辩的讲道术,安慰了所有出席的人。)

5. The course on homiletics covers both theoretical principles and practical exercises in sermon preparation.(讲道术课程涵盖了讲道准备的理论原则和实际练习。)

6. His homiletics often integrate personal anecdotes to illustrate biblical teachings.(他的讲道术经常会融入个人轶事来阐述圣经教义。)

7. Effective homiletics requires an understanding of the audience's needs and concerns.(有效的讲道术需要理解听众的需求和关注点。)

8. The book offers practical guidance on improving one's homiletics through clear communication techniques.(这本书提供了通过清晰的沟通技巧改善讲道术的实用指导。)

9. Her professor emphasized the importance of sincerity in homiletics, urging students to speak from the heart.(她的教授强调了讲道术中诚挚的重要性,敦促学生真诚发声。)

10. The seminar explored new trends in homiletics, adapting to modern audiences and communication styles.(研讨会探讨了讲道术的新趋势,适应现代听众和沟通风格。)

11. Through practicing homiletics, he found a deeper connection with his faith and community.(通过实践讲道术,他与自己的信仰和社区建立了更深的联系。)

12. The course syllabus includes historical perspectives on homiletics, tracing its development through different religious traditions.(课程大纲包括讲道术的历史视角,追溯其在不同宗教传统中的发展。)

13. The preacher's effective use of homiletics drew praise from the congregation for its clarity and relevance.(牧师对讲道术的有效运用因其清晰性和相关性而受到教众的赞扬。)

14. The professor encouraged students to explore diverse cultural expressions in their homiletics, enriching their preaching style.(教授鼓励学生在讲道术中探索多样的文化表达,丰富他们的布道风格。)

15. Understanding homiletics helps religious leaders engage with contemporary issues and moral dilemmas.(理解讲道术有助于宗教领袖参与当代问题和道德困境的讨论。)


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