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时间: 2024-09-28 22:59:12



1. She was so hypercritical that she couldn't enjoy any movie without finding fault with it. (她非常吹毛求疵,以至于看任何电影都找不到享受的点。)

2. His hypercritical nature made it difficult for him to maintain friendships. (他吹毛求疵的天性使他很难保持友谊。)

3. The hypercritical judge rarely gave compliments to the contestants. (那位吹毛求疵的评委很少对参赛者表示赞美。)

4. She received hypercritical feedback on her performance, which left her feeling discouraged. (她收到了对她表现极度苛刻的反馈,这让她感到沮丧。)

5. He had a hypercritical eye for detail, which made him an excellent editor. (他对细节有着吹毛求疵的眼光,这使得他成为一位优秀的编辑。)

6. Their hypercritical attitude toward their children's achievements hindered their self-esteem. (他们对孩子们成就的过分吹毛求疵的态度影响了他们的自尊心。)

7. The hypercritical review of the restaurant's food left no room for positive comments. (对餐厅食物的苛刻评价没有任何正面的评论空间。)

8. She became known for her hypercritical analysis of literature, often pointing out flaws others missed. (她因对文学的吹毛求疵的分析而出名,经常指出别人忽略的缺陷。)

9. Despite his hypercritical nature, he was surprisingly tolerant of his own mistakes. (尽管他吹毛求疵,但对自己的错误却出奇地宽容。)

10. The hypercritical approach of the teacher intimidated many of the students. (老师的吹毛求疵的方式让许多学生感到害怕。)

11. His hypercritical comments about the project dampened the team's enthusiasm. (他对项目的吹毛求疵的评论打消了团队的热情。)

12. She had a reputation for being hypercritical, often criticizing others without offering constructive feedback. (她因为吹毛求疵而声名狼藉,经常批评别人却不提供建设性的反馈。)

13. The hypercritical nature of the art critic led to a decline in artistic experimentation. (艺术评论家的吹毛求疵的态度导致了艺术实验的衰退。)

14. His hypercritical examination of the contract revealed several potential legal issues. (他对合同的吹毛求疵的检查揭示了几个潜在的法律问题。)

15. Despite her hypercritical tendencies, she genuinely cared about the success of her students. (尽管她有吹毛求疵的倾向,但她真心关心她学生的成功。)


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