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时间: 2024-09-28 22:49:40


“Hypodermic” 是一个英文词,指的是与皮肤下层有关的。这个词常用于医学、药物和相关领域。以下是 15 个包含“hypodermic”的例句及其中文解释:

1. The nurse used a hypodermic needle to administer the vaccine.

- 护士使用了一个皮下注射针来给病人接种疫苗。

2. Hypodermic injections are often used for delivering medication directly into the bloodstream.

- 皮下注射通常用于将药物直接注入血液中。

3. She had a fear of hypodermic needles due to her previous bad experiences.

- 她因为以前的糟糕经历而对皮下注射针有恐惧感。

4. The hypodermic syringe was designed to be as painless as possible.

- 这个皮下注射器设计得尽可能地不痛苦。

5. Hypodermic syringes come in various sizes depending on the medication and dosage required.

- 皮下注射器有多种尺寸,取决于药物和所需剂量。

6. In medical emergencies, a hypodermic needle can be used to administer lifesaving drugs.

- 在医疗紧急情况下,可以使用皮下注射针来注射拯救生命的药物。

7. The doctor explained the procedure for the hypodermic injection to the patient.

- 医生向病人解释了皮下注射的过程。

8. Hypodermic needles must be disposed of carefully to prevent accidental injury.

- 皮下注射针必须小心处理,以防止意外伤害。

9. The research involved using hypodermic injections to test the new vaccine.

- 这项研究涉及使用皮下注射来测试新疫苗。

10. A hypodermic injection can be less painful if done correctly.

- 如果操作得当,皮下注射可以更不疼痛。

11. Hypodermic needles are commonly used for both medical treatments and scientific research.

- 皮下注射针在医学治疗和科学研究中都很常见。

12. She was relieved when she realized that the hypodermic needle was very thin.

- 当她意识到皮下注射针非常细时,感到松了一口气。

13. The hypodermic needle was carefully inserted to ensure accurate delivery of the medication.

- 皮下注射针被小心地插入,以确保药物的准确注入。

14. Hypodermic needles can be single-use or reusable depending on the design.

- 皮下注射针可以是一次性使用的,也可以是可重复使用的,取决于设计。

15. The new hypodermic injection technique minimizes discomfort for patients.

- 新的皮下注射技术减少了患者的不适感。


上一个 【英语】hypertension的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】hypomnesia的例句



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