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时间: 2024-10-05 20:41:24



1. Her imperious demeanor made it clear who was in charge. (她那傲慢的态度清楚地表明谁在掌控。)

2. The CEO issued imperious commands to the staff. (首席执行官向员工发布专横的命令。)

3. He gave an imperious wave of his hand, signaling for silence. (他傲慢地挥了挥手,示意安静。)

4. The general had an imperious presence that commanded respect. (将军的威严气息令人肃然起敬。)

5. She has an imperious attitude that can be off-putting. (她有一种傲慢的态度,可能让人反感。)

6. His imperious tone brooked no argument. (他的专横口气不容反驳。)

7. The dictator's imperious rule stifled dissent. (独裁者专横的统治压制了异议。)

8. The imperious lady demanded to speak to the manager immediately. (那位专横的女士要求立即见经理。)

9. He adopted an imperious posture during negotiations. (在谈判中,他摆出一副专横的姿态。)

10. Her imperious gaze swept across the room. (她傲慢的目光扫过整个房间。)

11. The queen's imperious behavior was expected by her courtiers. (女王的专横行为是她的侍臣们所预料的。)

12. Despite his imperious manner, he was actually quite insecure. (尽管他态度傲慢,但实际上他相当不安全。)

13. His imperious demands for attention annoyed his colleagues. (他对关注的专横要求让同事们感到恼火。)

14. The imperious way she dismissed the idea left everyone stunned. (她那傲慢地否决这个想法的方式让每个人都目瞪口呆。)

15. The professor's imperious critique left the students feeling small. (教授的尖锐批评让学生感到自卑。)


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