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时间: 2024-10-05 20:44:05



1. She smiled, revealing her sharp incisors. 她微笑着,露出了她锋利的门牙。

2. The incisors are used for cutting food into smaller pieces. 门牙用来把食物切成小块。

3. His incisors were unusually large for a person his age. 他这个年纪的人,他的门牙异常大。

4. The dentist examined her incisors for signs of decay. 牙医检查了她的门牙,看是否有蛀牙的迹象。

5. The rabbit's incisors grow continuously throughout its life. 兔子的门牙终身不断长。

6. He lost one of his front incisors in a childhood accident. 他在童年意外中失去了一颗前门牙。

7. The incisors of carnivores are typically more pointed than those of herbivores. 食肉动物的门牙通常比草食动物的更尖锐。

8. She bit into the apple with her strong incisors. 她用她强壮的门牙咬了一口苹果。

9. The incisors are the first teeth to appear in young children. 门牙是幼儿首先长出的牙齿。

10. His incisors were perfectly aligned after orthodontic treatment. 经过正畸治疗,他的门牙排列得很整齐。

11. Rabbits use their incisors to gnaw through tough plant material. 兔子用它们的门牙啃咬坚硬的植物材料。

12. The dentist noticed a slight chip in her left incisor. 牙医注意到她左边的门牙有轻微的磕碰。

13. The cat's incisors were stained from chewing on something. 猫的门牙因为咬东西而被染色。

14. Incisors are crucial for the initial stages of digestion in many animals. 门牙对许多动物的初始消化阶段至关重要。

15. She covered her mouth, embarrassed by her protruding incisors. 她捂住了嘴,因为她那突出的门牙感到尴尬。


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