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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:45



1. She is known for her inconstant mood swings, often shifting from joy to sorrow in minutes. (她因情绪多变而闻名,常常在几分钟内从喜悦转向悲伤。)

2. His inconstant commitment to the project led to its eventual failure. (他对项目的不稳定承诺导致了最终的失败。)

3. The weather in this region is notoriously inconstant, changing drastically from day to day. (这个地区的天气变化无常,一天到另一天变化很大。)

4. The government's inconstant policies confused both investors and citizens alike. (政府不稳定的政策让投资者和公民感到困惑。)

5. Their friendship was marked by inconstant loyalty, with frequent betrayals and reconciliations. (他们的友谊充满了不定的忠诚,频繁地背叛和和解。)

6. His inconstant attendance at work jeopardized his chances for promotion. (他不稳定的出勤影响了他晋升的机会。)

7. The river's inconstant flow made it difficult to rely on for irrigation purposes. (这条河的流量不稳定,使其难以用于灌溉目的。)

8. She accused him of inconstant affections, claiming he couldn't make up his mind about their relationship. (她指责他感情不定,声称他对他们的关系犹豫不决。)

9. The company's inconstant financial performance worried shareholders. (公司不稳定的财务表现让股东感到担忧。)

10. Inconstant temperatures in the greenhouse affected the growth of the plants. (温室内温度的不稳定影响了植物的生长。)

11. He was criticized for his inconstant dedication to his studies, often neglecting assignments. (他因学习上不稳定的投入而受到批评,经常忽视作业。)

12. The inconstant quality of the product disappointed customers who expected consistency. (产品质量的不稳定使期望稳定性的客户感到失望。)

13. Her inconstant behavior made it hard for others to trust her. (她变化无常的行为使别人难以信任她。)

14. The inconstant nature of the stock market makes it unpredictable. (股市的不稳定性使其难以预测。)

15. His inconstant promises left her uncertain about their future together. (他不定的承诺让她对他们的未来感到不确定。)


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