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时间: 2024-10-06 17:55:29


当然,请看下面关于 "inculpate" 的例句和中文解释:

1. The evidence seemed to inculpate him in the robbery. (证据似乎表明他参与了抢劫。)

2. She feared that her fingerprints might inculpate her in the crime. (她担心她的指纹可能使她被牵连到犯罪中。)

3. The witness's testimony did not inculpate the defendant. (证人的证词并未指控被告。)

4. The police were unable to find any evidence to inculpate the suspect. (警方无法找到任何证据来牵连嫌疑人。)

5. The forensic analysis was used to inculpate the suspect in the murder. (法医分析被用来指控嫌疑人谋杀。)

6. His confession inculpated several others in the conspiracy. (他的供词使几个其他人被牵连到阴谋中。)

7. The prosecutor tried to inculpate the accused by presenting new evidence. (检察官试图通过呈现新证据来指控被告。)

8. The detective's investigation ultimately inculpated the real culprit. (侦探的调查最终揭露了真正的罪犯。)

9. The video footage helped to inculpate the thief in the burglary. (视频录像帮助指控了入室盗窃案的窃贼。)

10. Despite their efforts, the police could not inculpate anyone in the vandalism. (尽管他们努力了,警方未能指控任何人破坏行为。)

11. The forensic report was crucial in inculpating the suspect of arson. (法医报告在指控纵火嫌疑人方面至关重要。)

12. His DNA was found at the crime scene, which strongly inculpated him. (他的DNA在犯罪现场被发现,这明显使他被牵连。)

13. The prosecutor tried to inculpate the defendant through circumstantial evidence. (检察官试图通过间接证据来指控被告。)

14. The email correspondence was used to inculpate the suspect in the fraud scheme. (电子邮件往来被用来指控嫌疑人参与诈骗计划。)

15. The confession inculpated him beyond any doubt. (这份供词毫无疑问地使他被牵连。)

希望以上例句能帮助您更好地理解 "inculpate" 这个词的用法和含义!

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