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时间: 2024-09-28 22:59:36



1. The country underwent rapid industrialization in the early 20th century.

- 这个国家在20世纪初经历了快速的工业化。

2. Industrialization brought about significant social and economic changes.

- 工业化带来了重大的社会和经济变革。

3. The industrialization process led to the growth of urban centers.

- 工业化过程导致了城市中心的增长。

4. During industrialization, many traditional crafts declined.

- 在工业化时期,许多传统手工艺逐渐衰退。

5. Industrialization boosted the production of goods and services.

- 工业化推动了商品和服务的生产。

6. Industrialization often involves the mechanization of production processes.

- 工业化通常涉及生产过程的机械化。

7. The consequences of rapid industrialization can be seen in environmental degradation.

- 快速工业化的后果可以在环境恶化中看到。

8. Countries often go through stages of industrialization to achieve economic development.

- 国家通常经历工业化阶段以实现经济发展。

9. Technological advancements are a key driver of industrialization.

- 技术进步是工业化的关键推动力。

10. Industrialization brought about a shift from agrarian to industrial economies.

- 工业化导致了从农业经济向工业经济的转变。

11. The government implemented policies to support industrialization.

- 政府实施了支持工业化的政策。

12. Industrialization led to the creation of new jobs in manufacturing.

- 工业化导致了制造业的新增就业机会。

13. The industrialization of the textile industry transformed the global market.

- 纺织业的工业化改变了全球市场。

14. Urbanization often accompanies industrialization as people move to cities for work.

- 随着工业化的推进,城市化经常伴随着人们为工作而迁往城市。

15. The effects of industrialization can vary depending on the region and its resources.

- 工业化的影响可以根据地区和资源的不同而有所不同。

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