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时间: 2024-09-20 00:27:12


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "ineffable" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The beauty of the sunset was ineffable; words could not capture its magnificence. (夕阳的美丽是难以言表的;言语无法捕捉它的壮丽。)

2. She experienced an ineffable sense of joy upon receiving the good news. (她收到好消息时感受到一种难以言喻的喜悦。)

3. The artist's painting evoked an ineffable feeling of nostalgia. (艺术家的画作唤起了一种难以言表的怀旧情感。)

4. Standing on the mountaintop, he felt an ineffable sense of peace. (站在山顶上,他感受到一种难以言喻的平静。)

5. Their bond was forged through an ineffable connection that words couldn't describe. (他们之间的联系是通过一种难以言喻的连接而形成的,无法用言语描述。)

6. The tragedy left an ineffable sadness in its wake. (这场悲剧留下了一种难以言表的悲伤。)

7. The novel's conclusion left readers with an ineffable sense of wonder. (小说的结局给读者留下了一种难以言喻的惊叹。)

8. As he watched the newborn baby sleep, he was filled with an ineffable sense of awe. (看着新生儿入睡,他心中充满了一种难以言喻的敬畏之情。)

9. The music moved her to tears, evoking an ineffable emotional response. (音乐让她感动得流泪,引发了一种难以言喻的情感反应。)

10. He tried to express his gratitude, but found the depth of it to be ineffable. (他试图表达感激之情,但发现其深度难以言表。)

11. The film's cinematography captured the ineffable beauty of the countryside. (电影的摄影捕捉到了乡村难以言表的美丽。)

12. Their love for each other was marked by an ineffable tenderness. (他们彼此之间的爱情充满了一种难以言表的温柔。)

13. The experience of witnessing the natural phenomenon was ineffable. (目睹自然现象的经历是难以言喻的。)

14. The old man's wisdom was accompanied by an ineffable sense of calm. (老人的智慧伴随着一种难以言喻的平静。)

15. In the presence of such grandeur, they felt an ineffable sense of humility. (面对如此宏伟壮丽,他们感受到一种难以言表的谦卑之感。)

上一个 【英语】effable的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】confabulate的例句



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