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时间: 2024-09-28 22:51:23


Certainly! "Inflection" 可以指语言中的屈折变化,也可以指其他事物的变化或转折。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The rise in COVID-19 cases marked an inflection point in the pandemic.

- COVID-19 病例的增加标志着疫情的一个转折点。

2. Her tone of voice had a subtle inflection that conveyed her skepticism.

- 她语调中微妙的变化表达了她的怀疑态度。

3. In Spanish, verbs often require inflection to indicate tense and person.

- 在西班牙语中,动词通常需要屈折变化来表示时态和人称。

4. The company's revenue showed a positive inflection after implementing the new marketing strategy.

- 公司在实施新的营销策略后,收入出现了积极的变化。

5. He spoke with an inflection that suggested he was asking a question rather than making a statement.

- 他说话时的语调暗示他是在问问题而不是做陈述。

6. The graph of the function exhibited an inflection point where the curvature changed direction.

- 函数的图表显示出一个曲率变化方向的拐点。

7. Learning the inflection of nouns in German can be challenging for beginners.

- 对于初学者来说,学习德语名词的屈折变化可能是有挑战性的。

8. The team's morale experienced an inflection after their unexpected victory.

- 球队在意外的胜利后经历了士气的变化。

9. French adjectives require inflection to agree with the nouns they modify.

- 法语形容词需要屈折变化以与它们修饰的名词一致。

10. The poet's use of inflection in her readings added layers of meaning to her verses.

- 诗人在朗诵中运用的语调变化为她的诗句增添了多重意义。

11. The economy showed signs of inflection as inflation rates stabilized.

- 随着通货膨胀率稳定,经济显示出了变化的迹象。

12. In Latin, verbs undergo extensive inflection to indicate voice, mood, tense, and person.

- 在拉丁语中,动词经历广泛的屈折变化以表示语态、语气、时态和人称。

13. The artist's style underwent a noticeable inflection after studying under a new mentor.

- 艺术家在新导师指导下的学习后,风格发生了明显的变化。

14. The inflection in her smile suggested both joy and relief.

- 她微笑中的变化表明了喜悦和宽慰之情。

15. The negotiation reached an inflection point when both parties agreed to compromise.

- 当双方同意妥协时,谈判达到了一个转折点。


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