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时间: 2024-09-28 22:56:07



1. She revealed her innermost thoughts to her best friend. (她向她最好的朋友透露了她内心最深处的想法。)

2. He kept his innermost fears hidden from everyone. (他把他内心最深处的恐惧对所有人都隐藏起来了。)

3. Meditation helps me connect with my innermost self. (冥想帮助我与内心最深处的自我连接。)

4. It took years for her to share her innermost secrets with him. (她花了几年的时间才把她内心最深处的秘密告诉了他。)

5. The poem explores the poet's innermost feelings of despair. (这首诗探索了诗人内心最深处的绝望感。)

6. Therapy sessions encouraged him to explore his innermost desires. (治疗课程鼓励他探索自己内心最深处的欲望。)

7. Writing in her journal helps her process her innermost thoughts. (在她的日记中写作有助于她处理内心最深处的思想。)

8. His paintings reveal his innermost emotions. (他的画作展现了他内心最深处的情感。)

9. The book delves into the character's innermost motivations. (这本书深入探讨了角色内心最深处的动机。)

10. Trust is essential when sharing your innermost secrets. (分享你内心最深处的秘密时信任是至关重要的。)

11. In therapy, she confronted her innermost fears. (在治疗中,她面对了自己内心最深处的恐惧。)

12. He found solace in expressing his innermost thoughts through music. (他通过音乐表达内心最深处的思想找到了安慰。)

13. The novel explores the protagonist's innermost conflicts. (这部小说探索了主人公内心最深处的冲突。)

14. She cherished the moments when she could be her innermost self. (她珍视那些能够展现内心最深处自我的时刻。)

15. The retreat offered participants a chance to reflect on their innermost beliefs. (这次隐修会为参与者提供了反思他们内心最深处信念的机会。)


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