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时间: 2024-09-28 22:56:13


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "interrelate" with their Chinese explanations:

1. The various departments in our company need to interrelate more effectively to achieve our goals. (我们公司的各个部门需要更有效地相互关联以实现我们的目标。)

2. It's important to understand how different factors interrelate in the ecosystem. (理解生态系统中不同因素如何相互关联是很重要的。)

3. The novel explores how the characters' lives interrelate over several decades. (这部小说探讨了几十年来角色生活如何相互关联。)

4. In sociology, it's crucial to study how institutions and individuals interrelate. (在社会学中,研究制度和个体如何相互关联至关重要。)

5. The teacher explained how historical events interrelate to create a broader narrative. (老师解释了历史事件如何相互关联以创造更广泛的叙述。)

6. The scientist's research aims to understand how genes and the environment interrelate to influence behavior. (科学家的研究旨在了解基因和环境如何相互关联以影响行为。)

7. Language and culture interrelate in complex ways, shaping societies and identities. (语言和文化以复杂的方式相互关联,塑造着社会和身份。)

8. The report analyzes how economic policies and social dynamics interrelate in developing countries. (该报告分析了经济政策和社会动态在发展中国家中如何相互关联。)

9. The workshop focused on how technology and ethics interrelate in the field of artificial intelligence. (研讨会集中讨论了技术和伦理如何在人工智能领域相互关联。)

10. Interdisciplinary studies encourage students to explore how different disciplines interrelate to solve complex problems. (跨学科研究鼓励学生探索不同学科如何相互关联以解决复杂问题。)

11. The film illustrates how personal and political histories interrelate during times of social change. (这部电影说明了在社会变革时期个人和政治历史如何相互关联。)

12. Globalization has led to economies becoming more interrelated than ever before. (全球化导致经济比以往任何时候都更加相互关联。)

13. The artist's works explore how art and philosophy interrelate in modern society. (艺术家的作品探讨了艺术和哲学在现代社会中如何相互关联。)

14. Understanding how mental and physical health interrelate is crucial for holistic healthcare. (理解心理健康和身体健康如何相互关联对于全面的健康护理至关重要。)

15. The conference discussed how climate change and biodiversity interrelate in ecological systems. (会议讨论了气候变化和生物多样性在生态系统中如何相互关联。)


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