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时间: 2024-09-19 23:44:33


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "interrogate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The police interrogated the suspect for hours before he finally confessed. (警察对嫌疑人进行了数小时的审讯,最终他承认了。)

2. During the interrogation, they asked him about his whereabouts on the night of the crime. (在审讯过程中,他们询问了他犯罪当晚的行踪。)

3. The detectives interrogated each witness separately to get consistent statements. (侦探们分别审问每个证人,以获取一致的证词。)

4. The journalist was interrogated about the sources of her information. (记者被询问她信息来源的问题。)

5. The committee plans to interrogate the CEO regarding the company's financial irregularities. (委员会计划就公司的财务违规问题询问CEO。)

6. He was interrogated aggressively by the prosecutor during the trial. (在审判中,他受到了检察官的激烈盘问。)

7. The soldier was trained to withstand enemy interrogation techniques. (士兵接受过训练,以抵御敌人的审讯技术。)

8. The investigator knew how to interrogate witnesses without intimidating them. (调查员知道如何审问证人而不使其感到恐惧。)

9. The journalists were interrogated by customs officials upon entering the country. (记者们入境时被海关官员审查。)

10. The suspect requested a lawyer before the police could interrogate him further. (在警方进一步审问之前,嫌疑人要求见律师。)

11. The parents interrogated their child about where they had been all afternoon. (父母盘问他们的孩子整个下午都在哪里。)

12. She felt uncomfortable under the intense interrogation of the board members. (在董事会成员的强烈盘问下,她感到很不舒服。)

13. The security guards interrogated everyone who entered the restricted area. (安全警卫审问了每一个进入限制区域的人。)

14. The teacher interrogated the students to ensure they understood the material. (老师审问学生以确保他们理解了课程内容。)

15. After being interrogated by the immigration officers, they were allowed to enter the country. (在移民官员的审问后,他们被允许进入了国家。)


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