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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:19



1. The lilliputian figures moved about on the model train set with surprising realism. (这些小小的人物在模型火车场景中移动,展现出令人惊讶的逼真。)

2. The toy store featured a lilliputian replica of a famous city skyline. (玩具店里展示了一个著名城市天际线的微型复制品。)

3. She was fascinated by the lilliputian details of the dollhouse furnishings. (她被娃娃屋里微小的细节深深吸引。)

4. The lilliputian insects seemed to inhabit a miniature world of their own. (这些微小的昆虫似乎生活在一个他们自己的微型世界里。)

5. The lilliputian models of famous landmarks were meticulously crafted. (著名地标的微型模型被精心制作。)

6. The children enjoyed the lilliputian animals at the petting zoo. (孩子们喜欢宠物动物园里的微小动物。)

7. In the artist's painting, lilliputian figures populated a sprawling landscape. (在艺术家的画作中,微小的人物点缀着广阔的风景。)

8. The lilliputian letters on the ancient manuscript were barely readable without a magnifying glass. (古老手稿上微小的文字,没有放大镜几乎无法辨认。)

9. The novel described a lilliputian kingdom hidden deep within the forest. (这部小说描述了一个隐藏在森林深处的微小王国。)

10. The lilliputian flowers in the garden added a charming touch of color. (花园里的微小花朵增添了迷人的色彩。)

11. The micro-robots were designed for lilliputian tasks in delicate surgeries. (微型机器人设计用于精细手术中的微小任务。)

12. She collected lilliputian sculptures from around the world. (她收集世界各地的微型雕塑。)

13. The lilliputian town was a popular attraction in the theme park. (微型小镇是主题公园的热门景点。)

14. The photographer captured lilliputian details in the macro photographs. (摄影师在宏观照片中捕捉到微小的细节。)

15. The lilliputian vehicles navigated through the intricate maze with precision. (微型车辆以精准的方式穿越复杂的迷宫。)


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