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时间: 2024-09-28 22:50:42


1. The concept of macroworld often refers to the larger scale of things beyond individual entities or events.

- 宏观世界通常指超出个体实体或事件的更大范围的概念。

2. Understanding the interactions within the macroworld of international finance requires a grasp of global economic trends.

- 理解国际金融宏观世界中的互动需要掌握全球经济趋势。

3. In physics, the macroworld deals with observable phenomena at scales visible to the naked eye.

- 在物理学中,宏观世界涉及裸眼可见尺度上的可观察现象。

4. Ecological conservation efforts often focus on preserving biodiversity at the level of the macroworld ecosystem.

- 生态保护努力通常集中在保护宏观世界生态系统层面的生物多样性上。

5. Exploring the macroworld of social dynamics involves studying cultural trends and societal structures.

- 探索社会动态的宏观世界涉及研究文化趋势和社会结构。

6. The concept of sustainability addresses challenges that impact the macroworld of global environments.

- 可持续性概念解决影响全球环境宏观世界的挑战。

7. Macroeconomic policies are designed to stabilize and enhance the overall functioning of the macroworld economy.

- 宏观经济政策旨在稳定和增强宏观经济体系的整体运行。

8. Technological advancements shape the macroworld of industries, influencing global production and innovation.

- 技术进步塑造产业的宏观世界,影响全球生产和创新。

9. Global health initiatives aim to address diseases that affect the macroworld population, focusing on widespread impact.

- 全球健康倡议旨在应对影响全球人口的疾病,关注广泛的影响。

10. Environmental policies are crucial for managing resources in the macroworld to sustain ecosystems and biodiversity.

- 环境政策对于管理宏观世界资源以维持生态系统和生物多样性至关重要。

11. Understanding climate change involves studying its effects on the macroworld climate system and global weather patterns.

- 理解气候变化涉及研究其对宏观世界气候系统和全球天气模式的影响。

12. The macroworld of digital transformation encompasses shifts in how societies operate and communicate globally.

- 数字转型的宏观世界涵盖了社会在全球范围内运作和交流方式的变化。

13. Macroworld geopolitics examines interactions between nations on a global scale, influencing diplomatic relations.

- 宏观世界的地缘政治研究国家在全球范围内的互动,影响外交关系。

14. Economic globalization has interconnected the macroworld of markets, creating dependencies across continents.

- 经济全球化将市场的宏观世界连接在一起,跨越大陆创造了依赖关系。

15. The macroworld perspective in urban planning considers city development in relation to regional and global contexts.

- 城市规划中的宏观世界视角考虑城市发展与区域和全球背景的关系。

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