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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:43


Certainly! "Malcontent" refers to someone who is dissatisfied or rebellious. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The malcontent employees staged a protest against unfair working conditions.

- 不满的员工们发起了抗议活动,反对不公平的工作条件。

2. She always seems to be a malcontent, complaining about everything and everyone.

- 她似乎总是不满,对一切事物和每个人都抱怨不已。

3. The malcontent students disrupted the class with their constant objections.

- 那些不满的学生们因为经常抗议而打扰了课堂秩序。

4. The political rally attracted a crowd of malcontents who wanted change.

- 政治集会吸引了一群想要改变的不满者。

5. He joined the malcontents in criticizing the government's new policies.

- 他加入了批评政府新政策的不满者行列。

6. The company struggled with malcontent customers who were unhappy with the service.

- 公司为不满的顾客而苦恼,这些顾客对服务感到不满意。

7. Despite their efforts, the management couldn't appease the malcontents among the staff.

- 尽管他们努力了,管理层仍无法安抚那些员工中的不满者。

8. The malcontent attitude of the residents delayed the approval of the neighborhood improvement plan.

- 居民们不满的态度延迟了社区改善计划的批准。

9. She became a malcontent after repeatedly being passed over for promotion.

- 她因为多次未能晋升而变得不满。

10. The malcontent citizens voiced their grievances at the town hall meeting.

- 不满的市民在市政厅会议上表达了他们的不满情绪。

11. Despite their small numbers, the malcontents were vocal and disruptive.

- 尽管人数不多,不满者们却言辞激烈且具有破坏性。

12. The malcontent minority formed a coalition to challenge the ruling party.

- 不满的少数派形成了一个联盟,挑战执政党。

13. The CEO addressed the concerns of the malcontents during the town hall meeting.

- CEO在市政厅会议上回应了不满者的关切。

14. His malcontent nature often alienated him from his peers.

- 他的不满性格经常使他与同龄人疏远。

15. The malcontent group organized a boycott against the new policy.

- 不满的群体组织了一场抵制新政策的运动。

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "malcontent" can be used to describe dissatisfaction or discontent among individuals or groups.

上一个 【英语】macroclimate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】malpractice的例句



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