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时间: 2024-09-10 06:31:23


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "microcosm," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The school is a microcosm of society, reflecting all its diversity and challenges. (学校是社会的缩影,反映出它的多样性和挑战。)

2. The small town functions as a microcosm where everyone knows each other's business. (这个小镇是一个小宇宙,人人都了解彼此的事务。)

3. The family unit can be seen as a microcosm of wider social dynamics. (家庭可以被视为更广泛社会动态的缩影。)

4. The laboratory serves as a microcosm for studying chemical reactions in controlled environments. (实验室是研究受控环境中化学反应的微观模型。)

5. This novel explores a microcosm of political intrigue within a royal court. (这部小说探索了皇室法庭内政治阴谋的缩影。)

6. The artist's studio is a microcosm of creativity, filled with unfinished works and inspiration. (艺术家的工作室是创造力的缩影,充满了未完成的作品和灵感。)

7. The refugee camp represents a microcosm of the global displacement crisis. (难民营是全球流离失所危机的微观体现。)

8. The Internet is a microcosm where opinions and ideas clash and evolve rapidly. (互联网是一个微观空间,观点和想法迅速碰撞和演变。)

9. The village fair acts as a microcosm of rural life, showcasing local traditions and customs. (乡村集市是农村生活的缩影,展示了当地的传统和习俗。)

10. The team's dynamics provided a microcosm of broader workplace challenges. (团队的动态为更广泛的职场挑战提供了微观视角。)

11. The small group discussion was a microcosm of the larger debate within the community. (小组讨论是社区更大辩论的缩影。)

12. The game of chess is often seen as a microcosm of strategic thinking and planning. (象棋被视为战略思维和规划的微观模型。)

13. The documentary focused on a single city block as a microcosm of urban decay and renewal. (这部纪录片以一个城市街区作为城市衰败和复兴的微观展示。)

14. The study of a single cell can provide insights into the microcosm of cellular biology. (对单个细胞的研究可以提供细胞生物学微观世界的洞见。)

15. The small café serves as a microcosm of community interaction, where locals gather daily. (小咖啡馆是社区互动的微观体现,当地人每天都会聚集在这里。)


上一个 【英语】cornucopia的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】macrocosm的例句



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