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时间: 2024-09-21 08:42:06


1. The power grid experienced an overload and caused a blackout in the city.(电网出现过载,导致城市停电。)

2. I need to take a break, I'm experiencing an overload of work.(我需要休息一下,工作太多导致过载。)

3. The circuit breaker tripped due to an overload of electrical current.(电路保险丝因电流过载而跳闸。)

4. The server crashed due to an overload of incoming traffic.(服务器因为流量过载而崩溃。)

5. The teacher warned us not to overload our backpacks with too many books.(老师警告我们不要把背包装得太满,放太多书。)

6. Overload of information can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.(信息过载会导致混乱和误解。)

7. The elevator stopped working because of an overload of passengers.(电梯因乘客过多而停止运行。)

8. Overloading your muscles with too much weight can lead to injury.(用太重的重物过度训练肌肉会导致受伤。)

9. The internet connection slowed down due to an overload of devices connected to the network.(因设备连接网络过多,导致网络连接变慢。)

10. Overloading the washing machine with too many clothes can damage the motor.(把洗衣机装得太满会损坏电机。)

11. The circuit board failed due to an overload of voltage.(电路板因电压过载而损坏。)

12. Overloading your schedule can lead to burnout and exhaustion.(安排太多的日程会导致精疲力竭和筋疲力尽。)

13. The warehouse collapsed under the overload of heavy inventory.(仓库因货物过重而倒塌。)

14. Overload of emotions can cloud judgment and decision-making.(情绪过载会影响判断和决策。)

15. The airplane's engines shut down due to an overload of ice on the wings.(飞机的引擎因机翼积冰过载而熄火。)

上一个 【英语】overhear的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】overnight的例句



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