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时间: 2024-09-28 22:57:25


1. The pedestrian was struck by a speeding car and suffered serious injuries.(行人被一辆飞驰的汽车撞伤,受了严重的伤)

2. Pedestrians are required to use the designated crosswalks when crossing the street.(行人在过马路时需要使用指定的人行横道)

3. The city has implemented new safety measures to protect pedestrians from accidents.(该城市已经实施了新的安全措施,以保护行人免受事故的伤害)

4. The pedestrian bridge provides a safe way for people to cross the busy highway.(这座行人天桥为人们提供了一个安全的方式穿越繁忙的高速公路)

5. The driver failed to yield to the pedestrian at the crosswalk, causing a near miss.(驾驶员未能在人行横道上给行人让路,导致险些发生事故)

6. Pedestrians should always be cautious when walking near busy intersections.(行人在靠近繁忙的十字路口时应该始终保持谨慎)

7. The pedestrian traffic in the downtown area increases significantly during rush hour.(在上班高峰时段,市中心地区的行人流量显著增加)

8. The pedestrian was fined for jaywalking across the street.(这名行人因横穿马路被罚款)

9. Pedestrians have the right of way at marked crosswalks.(行人在标有人行横道的地方有优先通行权)

10. The city council is considering adding more pedestrian-friendly features to the downtown area.(市政府正在考虑在市中心地区增加更多有利于行人的设施)

11. The pedestrian suffered minor injuries after being hit by a cyclist on the sidewalk.(行人在人行道上被骑车的人撞伤,受了轻伤)

12. Pedestrians are advised to wear bright clothing when walking at night to increase visibility.(建议行人在夜间行走时穿着明亮的衣服,以增加可见性)

13. The pedestrian zone in the city center is a popular spot for tourists and locals to stroll.(市中心的行人区是游客和当地人散步的热门地点)

14. The pedestrian was startled when a dog suddenly ran out into the street in front of him.(当一只狗突然跑到他面前的马路上时,行人感到吓了一跳)

15. Pedestrians are encouraged to report any unsafe conditions on sidewalks or crosswalks to the city authorities.(鼓励行人向市政当局报告人行道或人行横道上的任何不安全情况)

16. The pedestrian was observed crossing the street while distracted by their phone.(有人看到这名行人在过马路时被手机分心了)

17. Pedestrians should be aware of their surroundings and make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.(行人应该注意周围的情况,并在过马路前与驾驶员进行眼神交流)

18. The pedestrian light turned green, allowing people to cross the street safely.(行人信号灯变成了绿色,允许人们安全地过马路)

19. The pedestrian walkway was closed for repairs, causing inconvenience for those walking in the area.(行人通道因维修而关闭,给行走在该区域的人们带来了不便)

20. Pedestrians are reminded to look both ways before stepping into the street to ensure their safety.(提醒行人在踏入马路前要左右看,确保安全)

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