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时间: 2024-09-20 00:16:39



1. She delivered a perfervid speech that moved everyone to tears. (她发表了一篇慷慨激昂的演讲,感动了在场的每一个人。)

2. His perfervid enthusiasm for the project inspired the entire team. (他对这个项目的热情澎湃激励了整个团队。)

3. The writer's perfervid prose captured the intensity of the moment. (作家激情澎湃的散文捕捉到了那一刻的强烈感情。)

4. The perfervid love affair consumed them both completely. (这段激情澎湃的恋情使他们彼此沉溺其中。)

5. Despite her perfervid efforts, she couldn't sway the committee's decision. (尽管她竭尽全力,她无法改变委员会的决定。)

6. His perfervid devotion to his beliefs never wavered. (他对自己信仰的激情澎湃,从未动摇。)

7. The artist's perfervid paintings were celebrated for their emotional depth. (这位艺术家激情澎湃的画作因其情感深度而受到赞赏。)

8. The crowd responded eagerly to the politician's perfervid promises. (人群对政客激情澎湃的承诺反应热烈。)

9. Her perfervid determination drove her to achieve her dreams against all odds. (她那激情澎湃的决心驱使她不顾一切地实现了她的梦想。)

10. The team's perfervid celebration echoed throughout the stadium. (团队激情澎湃的庆祝声在整个体育场回荡。)

11. His perfervid personality made him a charismatic leader. (他那激情澎湃的个性使他成为一个颇具魅力的领袖。)

12. The playwright's perfervid dialogue resonated with the audience. (剧作家激情澎湃的对话引起了观众的共鸣。)

13. Despite the perfervid protests, the decision remained unchanged. (尽管有激情澎湃的抗议声,决定仍然没有改变。)

14. Their perfervid dedication to the cause was unwavering. (他们对这个事业的激情澎湃的奉献是坚定不移的。)

15. The perfervid cheers of the fans filled the stadium with excitement. (球迷们激情澎湃的欢呼声让整个体育场充满了激动。)


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