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时间: 2024-10-05 20:44:42



1. He was known as a dedicated philogynist, always advocating for women's rights and empowerment. (他以坚定的女性爱好者而闻名,总是倡导女性权利和赋权。)

2. As a philogynist, his novels often portrayed strong female characters who challenged societal norms. (作为一个女性爱好者,他的小说经常描绘那些挑战社会规范的强大女性角色。)

3. His actions as a philogynist extended beyond rhetoric to concrete initiatives supporting women's education. (作为女性爱好者,他的行动不仅限于言辞,还包括支持女性教育的具体举措。)

4. Throughout history, there have been notable philogynists who championed women's causes in various fields. (在历史上,有许多著名的女性爱好者在各个领域推动了女性事业。)

5. Her reputation as a philogynist stemmed from her consistent efforts to elevate women's voices in political discourse. (她作为女性爱好者的声誉源于她在政治话语中持续提升女性的声音。)

6. The organization was founded on the principles of gender equality by a group of passionate philogynists. (这个组织是由一群充满激情的女性爱好者基于性别平等原则创立的。)

7. His appointment was seen as a victory by many activists, who viewed him as a committed philogynist. (他的任命被许多活动人士视为胜利,他们认为他是一位坚定的女性爱好者。)

8. The conference brought together philogynists from around the world to discuss strategies for combating gender-based violence. (这次会议汇集了来自世界各地的女性爱好者,讨论对抗基于性别的暴力的策略。)

9. His literary works are often cited as evidence of his stance as a philogynist, highlighting women's strength and resilience. (他的文学作品经常被引用作为他作为女性爱好者立场的证据,突显了女性的力量和韧性。)

10. She earned a reputation as a philogynist through her philanthropic efforts aimed at improving women's access to healthcare. (通过她旨在改善女性获取医疗保健机会的慈善努力,她赢得了女性爱好者的声誉。)

11. The professor's lectures often reflected his views as a philogynist, challenging students to rethink gender stereotypes. (教授的讲座经常反映出他作为女性爱好者的观点,挑战学生重新思考性别刻板印象。)

12. Their policies were praised by international observers for their philogynist approach to promoting women's rights. (他们的政策因其促进女性权利的女性爱好者方法而受到国际观察者的赞扬。)

13. The documentary explored the life and legacy of the renowned philogynist, shedding light on her impact on gender equality movements. (这部纪录片探索了著名女性爱好者的生活和遗产,揭示了她对性别平等运动的影响。)

14. In his memoirs, he described himself as a philogynist who was deeply influenced by his mother's teachings on equality. (在他的回忆录中,他将自己描述为一位女性爱好者,深受母亲关于平等的教诲影响。)

15. The playwright's works have been interpreted as expressions of his role as a philogynist, advocating for women's agency and autonomy. (这位剧作家的作品被解读为他作为女性爱好者角色的表达,倡导女性的主体性和自主权。)


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