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时间: 2024-10-05 20:44:06


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "precipitate" along with Chinese explanations:

1. The sudden rainstorm precipitated their decision to cancel the outdoor event. (突然的暴风雨促使他们决定取消户外活动。)

2. His hasty actions precipitated a chain reaction of unintended consequences. (他仓促的行动引发了一系列意外后果。)

3. The economic downturn precipitated a wave of layoffs across the industry. (经济下滑引发了整个行业的裁员潮。)

4. She didn't realize her comments would precipitate such strong reactions from her colleagues. (她没有意识到她的评论会引发同事们如此强烈的反应。)

5. Mixing the two chemicals will precipitate a solid compound. (混合这两种化学物质会沉淀出一种固体化合物。)

6. His reckless driving precipitated a serious accident. (他鲁莽的驾驶导致了一起严重事故。)

7. The scandal quickly precipitated the CEO's resignation. (丑闻迅速促使首席执行官辞职。)

8. Their inability to compromise could precipitate a breakdown in negotiations. (他们无法妥协可能会导致谈判破裂。)

9. Adding acid to the solution will precipitate the dissolved calcium carbonate. (向溶液中加入酸会沉淀出溶解的碳酸钙。)

10. The decision to cut funding abruptly precipitated the closure of several community programs. (突然决定削减资金导致了几个社区项目的关闭。)

11. His impulsive behavior could precipitate a diplomatic crisis. (他冲动的行为可能会引发外交危机。)

12. The tragic event precipitated a period of mourning throughout the country. (这一悲剧事件引发了全国范围内的哀悼时期。)

13. The controversial policy change is likely to precipitate protests from the affected communities. (这项有争议的政策变更很可能会引发受影响社区的抗议。)

14. The misunderstanding could precipitate a rift between the two friends. (这种误解可能会导致两位朋友之间的裂痕。)

15. A lack of communication may precipitate misunderstandings in a relationship. (沟通不足可能会导致关系中的误解。)


上一个 【英语】capitulate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】cardiac的例句



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