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时间: 2024-09-28 22:50:15



1. His career was marked by a consistent display of probity and integrity. (他的职业生涯以一贯的正直和诚实为标志。)

2. The company values probity in all its dealings. (公司重视在所有交易中的诚信。)

3. The judge's reputation for probity made him a respected figure in legal circles. (法官因其廉洁的声誉而成为法律界的尊敬人物。)

4. The politician's probity was questioned after allegations of corruption surfaced. (在贪污指控曝光后,这位政治家的廉洁受到了质疑。)

5. The board member was chosen for her probity and ethical standards. (这位董事会成员因其廉洁和道德标准而被选中。)

6. The company's commitment to probity was reflected in its transparent financial reporting. (公司对廉洁的承诺体现在其透明的财务报告中。)

7. The mayor's probity in handling public funds earned her widespread praise. (市长在处理公款方面的廉洁赢得了广泛赞誉。)

8. The journalist's articles were characterized by their probity and unbiased reporting. (这位记者的文章以其廉洁和公正报道著称。)

9. In a profession often plagued by scandal, her probity stood out. (在一个常常受丑闻困扰的行业中,她的廉洁格外突出。)

10. The institution's code of conduct emphasized the importance of probity among its employees. (该机构的行为准则强调员工廉洁的重要性。)

11. Despite the pressures, he maintained his probity throughout his career. (尽管面临压力,他在整个职业生涯中保持了廉洁。)

12. The committee members were chosen for their probity and impartiality. (委员会成员因其廉洁和公正而被选中。)

13. The diplomat's probity was crucial in negotiating the delicate peace agreement. (外交官的廉洁在谈判这项微妙的和平协议中至关重要。)

14. Her probity was evident in the way she handled ethical dilemmas. (她处理伦理困境的方式显示了她的廉洁。)

15. The organization prides itself on its probity and adherence to ethical standards. (该组织以其廉洁和遵守道德标准自豪。)


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