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时间: 2024-09-28 22:53:45


1. Wearing a helmet is a protective measure to reduce the risk of head injury in the event of a fall. (戴头盔是一种保护措施,可以减少跌倒时头部受伤的风险。)

2. The mother bear was very protective of her cubs, keeping a close watch on them at all times. (母熊对她的幼崽非常保护,时刻保持着密切的关注。)

3. The company provides its employees with protective gear to ensure their safety in hazardous work environments. (公司为员工提供防护装备,以确保他们在危险的工作环境中的安全。)

4. The government has implemented various protective measures to conserve the endangered species in the national park. (政府已经实施了各种保护措施,以保护国家公园中濒临灭绝的物种。)

5. It's important to use protective sunscreen to shield your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. (使用防晒霜是很重要的,可以保护皮肤免受紫外线的危害。)

6. The security guard's role is to provide a protective presence and ensure the safety of the building's occupants. (保安的角色是提供保护性的存在,并确保建筑物内的人员的安全。)

7. The treaty includes clauses that establish protective measures for the rights of indigenous people. (这项条约包括一些条款,旨在确立对土著人权利的保护措施。)

8. The police officer put on his protective vest before heading out on patrol. (警察在巡逻前穿上了防护背心。)

9. The doctor recommended wearing a mask as a protective measure against airborne viruses. (医生建议戴口罩作为防护措施,以防空气传播的病毒。)

10. The protective instincts of the guard dog kicked in when it sensed a stranger approaching the house. (当看到一个陌生人靠近房子时,看门狗的保护本能就会发作。)

11. The protective barrier around the power plant prevents unauthorized access to the facility. (电厂周围的防护屏障可以防止未经授权的人员进入设施。)

12. The firefighter wore a protective suit to shield himself from the intense heat of the burning building. (消防员穿着防护服,以保护自己免受燃烧建筑物的剧烈热量。)

13. The protective netting around the construction site prevents debris from falling onto the street below. (施工现场周围的防护网可以防止碎片掉落到下面的街道上。)

14. The parents provided a loving and protective environment for their children to grow up in. (父母为孩子们提供了一个充满爱和保护的成长环境。)

15. The organization is dedicated to providing protective services for victims of domestic violence. (该组织致力于为家暴受害者提供保护服务。)

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