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时间: 2024-09-10 04:11:14


Certainly! "Protractile" means capable of being extended or stretched out. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations:

1. The cheetah's claws are protractile, enabling it to grip its prey effectively.

- 猎豹的爪子是可伸缩的,使其能有效地抓住猎物。

2. Some snakes have protractile fangs that they use to inject venom into their prey.

- 有些蛇有可以伸缩的毒牙,用来向猎物注射毒液。

3. The telescope has a protractile design, allowing it to be easily adjusted for different viewing distances.

- 这架望远镜采用了可伸缩的设计,可以轻松调节以适应不同的观看距离。

4. The protractile ladder on the fire truck reached up to the sixth floor of the burning building.

- 消防车上的伸缩梯达到了燃烧建筑物的第六层。

5. The retractable landing gear of the airplane is protractile for takeoff and landing.

- 飞机的可收放起落架在起飞和降落时是可伸缩的。

6. Some species of turtles have protractile necks that they use to extend their reach for food.

- 一些龟类物种有可以伸缩的脖子,它们用来延伸觅食的距离。

7. The protractile screen on the smartphone allows for a larger display area without increasing the overall size.

- 智能手机上的可伸缩屏幕可以在不增加整体尺寸的情况下提供更大的显示区域。

8. The robot has a protractile arm that can reach into narrow spaces to retrieve objects.

- 机器人有一只可以伸缩的臂,可以伸入狭窄的空间取回物体。

9. The chameleon uses its protractile tongue to catch insects from a distance.

- 变色龙利用其可伸缩的舌头从远处捕捉昆虫。

10. The fishing rod has a protractile handle that can be adjusted for different fishing conditions.

- 钓竿有一个可以伸缩的手柄,可以根据不同的钓鱼条件进行调节。

11. The protractile legs of the caterpillar allow it to move swiftly across various surfaces.

- 毛虫的可伸缩腿使其能够在各种表面上快速移动。

12. The protractile trunk of an elephant is used to grasp and manipulate objects.

- 大象的可伸缩鼻子用来抓取和操作物体。

13. The tent has a protractile canopy that can be extended to provide more shade.

- 帐篷有一个可伸缩的遮篷,可以延伸以提供更多的阴凉。

14. The protractile design of the dining table allows it to accommodate more guests when needed.

- 餐桌的可伸缩设计使其在需要时可以容纳更多的客人。

15. The protractile design of the bicycle seat allows riders of different heights to adjust comfortably.

- 自行车座椅的可伸缩设计使不同身高的骑行者可以舒适地进行调整。


上一个 【英语】protract的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】retraction的例句



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