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时间: 2024-09-28 23:03:25


1. She looked at him with puzzlement, unable to understand his strange behavior. (她带着困惑的眼神看着他,无法理解他的奇怪行为。)

2. His sudden disappearance caused a great deal of puzzlement among his colleagues. (他突然的失踪引起了同事们的极大困惑。)

3. The puzzlement on her face indicated that she was struggling to comprehend the complex problem. (她脸上的困惑表明她正在努力理解这个复杂的问题。)

4. The professor's explanation only added to the students' puzzlement about the subject. (教授的解释只增加了学生对这个课题的困惑。)

5. I could see the puzzlement in his eyes as he tried to figure out the solution to the riddle. (我可以看到他眼中的困惑,他试图找出谜题的解答。)

6. The sudden change in the company's policy caused a lot of puzzlement among the employees. (公司政策的突然变化引起了员工们的很多困惑。)

7. The puzzlement on the detective's face indicated that the case was more complicated than he had anticipated. (侦探脸上的困惑表明这个案子比他预料的更加复杂。)

8. The puzzlement in her voice suggested that she was unsure of how to proceed. (她声音中的困惑表明她不确定该如何继续下去。)

9. The puzzlement of the audience was evident as they tried to make sense of the abstract art piece. (观众的困惑显而易见,他们试图理解那件抽象艺术品。)

10. His puzzlement turned to frustration as he struggled to understand the technical jargon in the manual. (他的困惑变成了挫折,因为他努力理解手册中的技术术语。)

11. The teacher's explanation only deepened the students' puzzlement about the scientific concept. (老师的解释只加深了学生对这个科学概念的困惑。)

12. The puzzlement on her face quickly turned to realization as she finally understood the solution. (她脸上的困惑很快变成了领悟,因为她终于理解了解决办法。)

13. The puzzlement in his expression indicated that he was struggling to recall the answer to the question. (他表情中的困惑表明他在努力回忆问题的答案。)

14. The puzzlement in the child's eyes showed that he was still trying to make sense of the magic trick. (孩子眼中的困惑表明他仍在试图理解那个魔术。)

15. The puzzlement on her face gradually turned to amusement as she realized the prank that had been played on her. (她脸上的困惑逐渐变成了好笑,因为她意识到了那个被捉弄的玩笑。)

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