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时间: 2024-09-28 23:00:01


1. "The quote on the wall reminded her to always be kind to others."(墙上的引语提醒她要时刻对他人友善。)

2. "He began his speech with a famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi."(他在演讲开始时引用了圣雄甘地的一句名言。)

3. "The quote from the book struck a chord with many readers."(书中的引文触动了许多读者的心弦。)

4. "She used a powerful quote to emphasize her point during the debate."(她在辩论中使用了一句有力的引语来强调她的观点。)

5. "The quote encapsulated the essence of the author's philosophy."(这句引语概括了作者的哲学精髓。)

6. "The teacher asked the students to analyze the meaning behind the quote."(老师要求学生分析引语背后的含义。)

7. "The quote from Shakespeare's play is often used to describe the complexity of human nature."(莎士比亚剧中的引语经常用来描述人性的复杂性。)

8. "She framed the quote and hung it on her office wall as a source of inspiration."(她把这句引语装裱起来挂在办公室的墙上,作为灵感的来源。)

9. "The quote resonated with the audience, eliciting a round of applause."(这句引语引起了观众的共鸣,赢得了一阵掌声。)

10. "The quote served as a guiding principle for his life decisions."(这句引语成为他生活决策的指导原则。)

11. "She included a motivational quote at the beginning of her email signature."(她在电子邮件签名的开头加入了一句励志的引语。)

12. "The quote from the ancient philosopher still holds relevance in today's world."(这位古代哲学家的引语在今天的世界仍然具有重要意义。)

13. "The quote inspired him to pursue his dreams with determination."(这句引语激励他坚定地追求自己的梦想。)

14. "The quote provided a thoughtful conclusion to her speech."(这句引语为她的演讲提供了一个深思熟虑的结论。)

15. "He turned to a famous quote to express his feelings about the current situation."(他引用了一句名言来表达对当前情况的感受。)

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