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时间: 2024-09-28 23:01:10


1. The rabbit hopped through the grass, its fluffy tail bobbing behind it.(兔子在草地上蹦蹦跳跳,蓬松的尾巴在它身后晃动。)

2. I saw a cute rabbit in the garden this morning.(今天早上我在花园里看到了一只可爱的兔子。)

3. The magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat to the amazement of the audience.(魔术师从帽子里变出了一只兔子,令观众惊叹不已。)

4. The rabbit nibbled on the carrot with delight.(兔子高兴地啃着胡萝卜。)

5. The children chased after the rabbit, trying to catch it.(孩子们追着兔子,想要抓住它。)

6. The rabbit's fur was soft and warm to the touch.(兔子的毛发柔软温暖。)

7. The rabbit burrowed into the ground to make its home.(兔子挖洞在地下建造自己的家。)

8. The farmer set traps to catch the rabbits that were eating his crops.(农民设置陷阱来捕捉吃他庄稼的兔子。)

9. The rabbit twitched its nose as it sniffed the air for danger.(兔子嗅着空气,鼻子动来动去地寻找危险。)

10. The rabbit's long ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps.(兔子听到脚步声,长耳朵竖了起来。)

11. The children giggled as they watched the rabbit hop around the garden.(孩子们看着兔子在花园里蹦蹦跳跳,咯咯笑了起来。)

12. The rabbit's eyes widened in fear as it sensed the presence of a predator.(兔子感到有捕食者的存在,害怕地瞪大了眼睛。)

13. The rabbit's agility allowed it to easily evade capture.(兔子的敏捷让它轻易地躲避了捕捉。)

14. The rabbit's natural camouflage helped it blend into its surroundings, keeping it safe from predators.(兔子的天然伪装帮助它融入周围环境,让它远离捕食者。)

15. The rabbit thumped its hind legs on the ground as a warning to the other rabbits of approaching danger.(兔子用后腿在地上重重地踢了一下,警告其他兔子有危险的接近。)

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