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时间: 2024-09-28 22:53:52


1. The railway system in this country is well-developed and efficient. (这个国家的铁路系统发达而高效。)

2. The train departed from the busy railway station at 8 o'clock. (火车在繁忙的火车站出发了。)

3. The railway bridge was damaged in the storm, causing a disruption in train services. (铁路桥在风暴中受损,导致列车服务中断。)

4. The railway company announced a new high-speed train route connecting major cities. (铁路公司宣布了一条连接主要城市的新高铁路线。)

5. The scenic railway journey through the mountains was breathtaking. (穿过山脉的风景铁路之旅令人叹为观止。)

6. The government is investing in the modernization of the railway infrastructure. (政府正在投资铁路基础设施的现代化。)

7. The railway workers went on strike to demand better working conditions. (铁路工人举行罢工,要求改善工作条件。)

8. The new railway project will significantly reduce travel time between the two cities. (新的铁路项目将大幅缩短两个城市之间的旅行时间。)

9. The railway tracks were covered in snow, causing delays in train schedules. (铁路轨道被雪覆盖,导致列车时刻延误。)

10. The historic railway station has been restored to its former glory. (历史悠久的火车站已经恢复了昔日的辉煌。)

11. The railway network connects remote villages to urban centers, improving accessibility. (铁路网络将偏远村庄与城市中心连接起来,提高了可及性。)

12. The railway company introduced a new ticketing system to streamline the booking process. (铁路公司推出了新的售票系统,简化了预订流程。)

13. The railway authorities warned passengers of potential delays due to maintenance work on the tracks. (铁路管理部门警告乘客可能会因轨道维护工作而延误。)

14. The railway museum showcases the history and evolution of train travel. (铁路博物馆展示了火车旅行的历史和演变。)

15. The railway crossing was equipped with barriers and warning lights for safety. (铁路道口配有隔离栅和警示灯,以确保安全。)

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