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时间: 2024-09-10 06:45:19



1. His speech was filled with recondite references that only scholars could fully grasp. (他的演讲充满了只有学者才能完全理解的深奥引用。)

2. The book delves into recondite philosophical concepts that challenge traditional beliefs. (这本书深入探讨了挑战传统信念的深奥哲学概念。)

3. She enjoyed discussing recondite topics such as quantum physics and metaphysics. (她喜欢讨论诸如量子物理学和形而上学等深奥话题。)

4. The recondite language of the legal document confused most of the jury. (法律文件中的深奥术语让大多数陪审团成员感到困惑。)

5. The professor's lectures often touch upon recondite aspects of medieval history. (教授的讲座经常涉及中世纪历史的深奥方面。)

6. He found her thesis on recondite botanical species fascinating. (他觉得她关于罕见植物物种的论文非常迷人。)

7. The novel's plot hinges on a recondite conspiracy theory. (小说的情节依赖于一个深奥的阴谋论。)

8. The artist's work often incorporates recondite symbolism that requires careful interpretation. (艺术家的作品经常融入需要仔细解读的深奥象征主义。)

9. Scientists are still debating the recondite causes of the phenomenon observed in the experiment. (科学家们仍在辩论实验中观察到的现象的深奥原因。)

10. The recondite principles of computer programming can be challenging for beginners to understand. (计算机编程的深奥原理对初学者来说可能很难理解。)

11. She spent years studying recondite manuscripts from the Renaissance period. (她花了多年时间研究文艺复兴时期的深奥手稿。)

12. The detective's deductions were based on recondite clues that were easily overlooked. (侦探的推理基于那些容易被忽视的深奥线索。)

13. The film explores the recondite motivations behind the protagonist's actions. (这部电影探讨了主人公行动背后深奥的动机。)

14. The recondite nature of the topic requires extensive research to fully understand. (这个话题的深奥性需要进行广泛的研究才能完全理解。)

15. She wrote a dissertation on the recondite rituals of ancient civilizations. (她写了一篇关于古代文明深奥仪式的论文。)


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