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时间: 2024-09-28 22:51:08


Certainly! "Recuperative" means relating to recovery or restoration. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. After the surgery, he spent several weeks in a recuperative phase, gradually regaining his strength.(手术后,他花了几周时间进行康复阶段,逐渐恢复体力。)

2. The doctor recommended a recuperative holiday by the beach to help her recover from stress.(医生建议她去海滩度假,以帮助她从压力中恢复过来。)

3. The recuperative powers of sleep are often underestimated; it's during rest that our bodies heal most efficiently.(人们经常低估睡眠的康复力量;在休息期间,我们的身体能够最有效地愈合。)

4. The spa offered a variety of recuperative treatments, from massages to aromatherapy sessions.(这家温泉度假村提供各种康复治疗,从按摩到芳香疗法。)

5. After a long illness, she finally began to feel the recuperative effects of the medication.(经过长时间的疾病,她终于开始感受到药物的康复效果。)

6. His doctor advised him to adopt a healthier lifestyle to enhance his recuperative abilities.(他的医生建议他采取更健康的生活方式来增强他的康复能力。)

7. The athlete underwent a rigorous recuperative regimen to get back into competitive shape after the injury.(运动员经历了严格的康复计划,以在受伤后恢复竞技状态。)

8. The rehabilitation center specialized in providing recuperative care for patients recovering from major surgeries.(康复中心专门为从重大手术中恢复的患者提供康复护理。)

9. The therapy focused on stimulating the body's recuperative processes to speed up healing.(这种疗法专注于刺激身体的康复过程,加快愈合。)

10. The elderly woman's recuperative abilities amazed her doctors, who had initially been concerned about her recovery.(这位老妇人的康复能力让她的医生感到惊讶,他们最初对她的康复感到担忧。)

11. He planned a period of recuperative reflection after the intense project to regain mental clarity.(他计划在紧张的项目后进行一段康复性的反思,以恢复心智的清晰度。)

12. The team's coach emphasized the importance of recuperative rest between training sessions to prevent injuries.(教练强调了训练间进行康复性休息的重要性,以预防受伤。)

13. The spa retreat was designed to offer guests a recuperative environment where they could relax and rejuvenate.(这个温泉疗养地旨在为客人提供一个可以放松和恢复活力的环境。)

14. Her recuperative abilities surprised everyone; she bounced back from illness quicker than expected.(她的康复能力让所有人都感到惊讶;她比预期更快地从疾病中恢复过来。)

15. The patient's steady progress was a testament to the effectiveness of the hospital's recuperative care programs.(患者的稳步进展证明了医院康复护理计划的有效性。)


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