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时间: 2024-09-20 09:54:44


当谈论英语中的 "prefix"(前缀)时,以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. Un-: Most words in English can take the prefix "un-" to indicate the opposite meaning. (大多数英语单词可以加上前缀 "un-" 表示相反的意思。)

2. Re-: She decided to reheat the leftovers for dinner. (她决定重新加热剩菜来吃晚饭。)

3. Pre-: The prehistoric era occurred long before written records. (史前时代发生在书面记录之前很久。)

4. Sub-: The submarine dove below the surface of the ocean. (潜艇潜入海洋表面以下。)

5. Anti-: He is known for his anti-government views. (他以反政府观点而闻名。)

6. Post-: After the lecture, she stayed for a post-seminar discussion. (讲座结束后,她留下来参加了一个讲座后的讨论。)

7. Inter-: The international conference brought together experts from various fields. (国际会议汇集了来自各个领域的专家。)

8. Mis-: The misunderstanding arose from miscommunication. (误解源于误传。)

9. Ex-: He used to be my ex-boyfriend before we broke up. (我们分手前他曾是我的前男友。)

10. Co-: They collaborated on the project to ensure its success. (他们合作完成了这个项目以确保成功。)

11. De-: The company decided to deactivate the old accounts. (公司决定停用旧账户。)

12. En-: The proposal aimed to enhance employee satisfaction. (该提案旨在提高员工满意度。)

13. Bi-: The bicycle race attracted participants from around the world. (自行车比赛吸引了来自世界各地的参与者。)

14. Trans-: They needed to translate the document into multiple languages. (他们需要将文件翻译成多种语言。)

15. Over-: Overuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance. (过度使用抗生素会导致耐药性。)

这些例句展示了 "prefix" 在英语中的不同用法和意义,希望对你有帮助!

上一个 【英语】prehistory的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】preposition的例句



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