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时间: 2024-09-20 00:05:45


1. I saw my reflection in the mirror and realized how tired I looked. (我看到了镜子里的倒影,意识到自己看起来有多么疲惫。)

2. The lake was so calm that it perfectly mirrored the reflection of the mountains. (湖水如此平静,完美地映射出了山的倒影。)

3. His reflection on the situation made him reconsider his decision. (他对这种情况的深思熟虑让他重新考虑了自己的决定。)

4. The reflection of the sunset on the water was absolutely breathtaking. (夕阳的倒影在水面上美得令人惊叹。)

5. Looking at her reflection in the shop window, she adjusted her hair and makeup. (她看着商店橱窗里的自己的倒影,调整了一下头发和妆容。)

6. His reflection on the topic showed a deep understanding of the subject. (他对这个话题的思考表明他对这个主题有着深刻的理解。)

7. The reflection of the moon on the ocean created a mesmerizing scene. (月亮在海洋上的倒影创造出了一个迷人的场景。)

8. After some reflection, she decided to apologize for her mistake. (经过一番深思熟虑,她决定为自己的错误道歉。)

9. The reflection of the city lights in the river was a beautiful sight. (城市灯光在河面上的倒影是一道美丽的风景。)

10. Upon reflection, he realized that he had been too hasty in his judgment. (经过反思,他意识到自己在判断上太过仓促。)

11. The reflection of the trees in the lake made the scenery look twice as beautiful. (树木在湖面的倒影让风景看起来美丽了一倍。)

12. She used her reflection in the car window to fix her lipstick. (她利用车窗里的倒影来擦口红。)

13. After careful reflection, he decided to change his career path. (经过仔细的思考,他决定改变自己的职业道路。)

14. The reflection of the stars on the water was like a shimmering blanket. (星星在水面上的倒影就像一条闪闪发光的毯子。)

15. His reflection on the matter made him realize the potential consequences. (他对这件事的反思让他意识到了潜在的后果。)

16. The reflection of the skyscrapers in the glass building was a sight to behold. (摩天大楼在玻璃建筑中的倒影令人叹为观止。)

17. She gazed at her reflection in the pond, lost in thought. (她凝视着池塘中的自己的倒影,陷入了沉思。)

18. The reflection of the moon on the water created a serene atmosphere. (月亮在水面上的倒影营造出了一种宁静的氛围。)

19. Upon reflection, he realized that he had been too harsh in his criticism. (经过反思,他意识到自己在批评上太过苛刻。)

20. The reflection of the clouds in the lake made it look like a painting. (云彩在湖面上的倒影让它看起来像一幅画。)

上一个 【英语】transfer的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】reinforce的例句



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